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Literary analysis of ‘The Going’ by Thomas Hardy Essay
‘The Going’ is a sonnet grieving the passing and loss of Hardy’s spouse Emma. The topics of anguish, love and lament are...
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
immagration essays
immagration essays I am from an ethnicity and culture that is in the forefront of many political topics in this region today. I am Mexican. When this word comes up most people seem to think of illegal immigrants crossing the border. This thought can bring up much resentment and contempt from certain groups, and along with this comes prejudice and discrimination. However, before I jump ahead of myself I would like to discuss the physical and cultural differences between my people- Mexicans and the U.S. majority- Whites. Physical differences may seem obvious if you think in a stereotypical manner. But there is a great deal of physical diversity within the Mexican culture. The range can be anywhere from the "common" image of a short brown eyed, brown haired, brown skinned individual to the tall light eyed, light haired, light skinned person. In between is a mixture and combination of any of the mentioned characteristics (much of the variety comes from the blood of the Spaniards who invaded Mexico). In fact 60% of Mexico Is made up of "mestizo", mixed European and Indian decent and 30% "indigena", Native Americans of Indians (azteca.net). Those who have darker skin are, of course, more easily pointed out as Mexicans and usually experience more prejudice and racism than those who have characteristics similar to the majority. However, prejudice within our own race sometimes makes up for the lack of prejudice from Whites, but I digress. Moving on, there are many cultural differences. Language for one, which is Spanish (though there are over 50 indigenous languages (azteca.com)). Clothing is different. Not so much as it used to be however. Not everyone is wearing a poncho and sombrero. Of course food is different and is quite enjoyed by many Americans. However, Mexican-American food is somewhat different than Mexican food from Mexico. And I am not quite sure what Taco Bell food is. Maybe that can be called American-Mexican food? ...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Visas H-1B para profesionales y modelos para USA
Visas H-1B para profesionales y modelos para USA Las visas H-1B permiten a profesionales y modelos trabajar en Estados Unidos. Son visados de doble intencià ³n, es decir, para obtenerlo no es necesario probar la intencià ³n de regresar al paà s de origen lo que permite ms fcilmente buscar un cambio hacia una tarjeta de residencia (green card) Quià ©nes pueden solicitar la visa H-1B Este tipo de visa beneficia a tres tipos de actividades laborales  Por un lado, los modelos que tengan una trayectoria profesional de reconocido prestigio. Su visa ser una H-1B3.Adems, pueden aplicar los profesionales como arquitectos, mà ©dicos, maestros etc. En otras palabras, cualquier persona con conocimientos especializados y estudios de tà tulo universitario o superiores debidamente validados. Si son aprobados, recibirn una H-1B. Dependiendo de los estados, debern obtener una licencia profesional en su actividad para poder trabajar.Por à ºltimo, las personas con un tà tulo universitario equivalente al Bachelor ´s Degree pueden obtener una H-1B2 para desarrollar e investigar proyectos coordinados por el Departamento de Defensa. Patrocinio para una visa H-1B El proceso se inicia cuando una empresa est dispuesta a contratar a un extranjero. Entre la documentacià ³n que debe aportar destaca la Aplicacià ³n de Condicià ³n Laboral (LCA, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). La finalidad es evitar que extranjeros desempeà ±en trabajos para los que hay estadounidenses o residentes permanentes disponibles. Se aplica ante el Departamento del Trabajo. Para obtener la LCA, el empleador debe comunicar a los representantes de los trabajadores la intencià ³n de contratar a un extranjero. Si no hubiera representante sindical, debe anunciarlo dentro de la empresa. Las compaà ±Ãƒ as con ms de 50 trabajadores de los que un 15 por ciento tiene una H-1B deber publicar la existencia de la vacante. Para asegurarse de que la contratacià ³n de un extranjero no es ms barata que la de un ciudadano, la empresa debe garantizar al extranjero un salario y beneficios iguales al que ya paga a empleados similares. La à ºnica excepcià ³n a la certificacià ³n laboral es para la H-1B2. Una vez conseguida la LCA, tiene que enviarse junto con un formulario I-129 al USCIS. Si se aprueba, si la persona que va a recibir la visa se encuentra en el extranjero debe solicitar que se le emita a la Embajada correspondiente. Si se encuentra ya en EU puede comenzar a trabajar, pero la primera vez que salga del paà s deber ir a la Embajada estadounidense para tener la visa estampada en su pasaporte. Esto muy importante para poder volver entrar a Estados Unidos. Là mite de visas H-1B que se aprueban anualmente Cada aà ±o fiscal, que en Estados Unidos comienza el 1 de octubre de cada aà ±o natural, se conceden hasta un mximo de 65,000 H-1B. Una vez que se emite ese nà ºmero, no se concedern ms hasta el siguiente aà ±o fiscal. No estn limitados por ese cupo anual: 1. Los extranjeros que hayan estudiado una maestrà a o un doctorado en una universidad estadounidense. Para ellos hay un cupo adicional por aà ±o fiscal de 20,000 visas anuales. 2. Los profesionales cuyos empleadores sean centros de investigacià ³n sin fin de lucro o universidades. Para los ciudadanos de ciertos paà ses se reserva un nà ºmero de H-1B, como el caso de Chile con 1,400 visas. Cundo aplicar Esta informacià ³n sà ³lo es para los casos de visas sujetas a là mites anuales. Por lo tanto no aplica a los contratados por instituciones de educacià ³n o investigacià ³n. El resto de los solicitantes deben saber que cada cupo anual de visas comienza a emitirse a partir del uno de octubre de cada aà ±o, la solicitud puede ser presentada hasta seis meses antes: el 1 de abril. En los à ºltimos aà ±os,  el nà ºmero de aplicaciones es tan alto que se excede el là mite los primeros dà as de abril. Cuando asà sucede, se realiza una loterà a para ver quà © solicitudes son tramitadas. Quà © empresas pueden patrocinar una visa H-1B Cualquiera que cumpla los requisitos, desde las ms grades a las ms chicas. Y aunque es cierto que la mayorà a de esas visas se van al sector tecnolà ³gico, nada impide que se utilicen en otros campos. Por ejemplo, es muy frecuente que tambià ©n se dà © en Educacià ³n y en Sanidad. Para mejor hacerse una idea es recomendable consultar cules son las 100 empresas que ms H-1B patrocinan, para quà © sectores y cul es el salario medio que ofrecen a los patrocinados. Demora de los trmites para la visa En este artà culo se puede aprender a calcular las demoras para todo tipo de trmites migratorios. En el caso de la H-1B, para conocer los tiempos del PERM (DoL por sus siglas en inglà ©s), USICS y, finalmente, consulado. En la actualidad no se puede solicitar aplicacià ³n exprà ©s de la visa H-1B por decisià ³n del gobierno del presidente Donald Trump. Vigencia de la visa H-1B La H-1B se otorga por tres aà ±os que se pueden prorrogar hasta un total de seis y para los titulares de una H1-B2 hasta diez. Pero existen excepciones que permiten mantener la visa por ms tiempo: 1. Hasta tres extensiones de un aà ±o o una por tres aà ±os cuando el titular de la visa ha solicitado un cambio de estatus y ha presentado el formulario I-140 antes de cumplir su quinto aà ±o y est pendiente de una respuesta. 2. Una extensià ³n por tres aà ±os si el ajuste de estatus ha sido concedido pero se debe esperar a que haya cupo disponible. La disponibilidad puede tardar varios aà ±os y depende del paà s de origen del solicitante y de la categorà a por la que pide el cambio de estatus. Coste de la visa H-1B Varà a entre $1,000 y $5,000, dependiendo del tipo de empresa que solicita la visa, si se utiliza abogado. Generalmente paga la empresa pero se conocen casos en los que paga el trabajador. Estas son las tarifas promedio de que cobran los abogados de inmigracià ³n. Vida en EU con una H-1B Para conservar la H-1B el titular debe trabajar sà ³lo para el empresario que ha patrocinado su visa. Se pagan impuestos. El rà ©gimen fiscal puede ser complejo ya que se puede tener un estatus fiscal de extranjero residente o de extranjero no residente por lo que es frecuente recurrir a un fiscalista experto. En todas las nà ³minas se deducen cantidades para Medicare y Seguridad Social. Si el extranjero trabaja ms de diez aà ±os en EU tendr derecho a beneficiarse de esos pagos realizados a la Seguridad Social. Si trabaja menos, dependiendo si su paà s tiene o no un tratado bilateral con USA, podr contabilizar los aà ±os cotizados aquà . El cà ³nyuge y los hijos solteros menores de 21 aà ±os pueden vivir en USA con una visa H-4. Si los nià ±os estn estudiando la primaria o la secundaria es recomendable familiarizarse antes de llegar a Estados Unidos con las particularidades del sistema educativo, para asà tomar la mejor decisià ³n sobre quà © tipo de escuela elegir para los muchachos. Como regla general los esposos con H-4 no pueden trabajar, con dos excepciones que aplican desde mayor de 2015. Por à ºltimo, se deber comunicar al USCIS el cambio de domicilio en los diez dà as siguientes a producirse. Cambio de estatus, transfer, dimisià ³n, despido y caducidad Puede solicitarse un cambio de estatus para obtener una tarjeta de residencia permanente. Tambià ©n puede cambiar su visa a otra diferente, como por ejemplo, a una visa de estudiante. Tambià ©n se puede pedir un transfer a otra empresa, que tiene que ser aprobado. Si el trabajador dimite, su visa pierde vigencia y debe salir del paà s. Si es despedido, la empresa debe pagar por los gastos de repatriacià ³n. La salida debe ser inmediata. A veces no es posible, pero para no arriesgarse a quedarse como indocumentado se recomienda solicitar una visa de visitante y asà se cuenta con hasta un mximo de 120 dà as, mientras la nueva visa se tramita, para prepararse para regresar al paà s de origen sin perder el estatus de legal. Para mayor informacià ³n consultar este artà culo para saber cundo es posible ingresar a Estados Unidos con una visa de esta categorà a y cul es el periodo de gracia, una vez que finaliza el empleo. Creacià ³n de una empresa y la H-1B En principio es posible fundar una empresa en USA y que la compaà ±Ãƒ a patrocine con una H-1B a su propietario. Sin embargo, debido a las condiciones de la visa, entre otras, el salario alto que se debe de pagar a los patrocinados, es una opcià ³n complicada y en la que siempre conviene contar con el asesoramiento de un buen abogado de inmigracià ³n. De hecho, estas son otras 8 opciones para obtener una visa y fundar una empresa en EEUU. Alternativa a la H-1B para profesionales mexicanos Mexicanos y canadienses pueden aplicar por la visa TN. Estas son las ms de 60 profesiones que permiten calificar. Te puede interesar Estas son las 30 profesiones que tendrn un mayor crecimiento en la demanda de empleo hasta el aà ±o 2022,  segà ºn el Departamento de Trabajo y tambià ©n un comparativo salarial de 18 profesiones en 8 paà ses. Y es que no para todas las profesiones es Estados Unidos el mejor paà s para trabajar. Este es un artà culo informativo. No es asesorà a legal.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The Federal Reserve Bank Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
The Federal Reserve Bank - Research Paper Example Somewhat more than ten years after its opening, nonetheless, the new bank came into the line of sight of Andrew Jackson, who attempted to slaughter it after he was chosen president in 1828. After the second bank collapsed, state-sanctioned and uncharted â€Å"public banks†flourished. These banks issued their own notes, redeemable in gold or silver. Given that the National Banking Act, passed in 1863, attempted to provide a measure of cash strength, bank runs and money related frenzies stayed necessary into the mid-twentieth century. This was an episode of theory on Wall Street that bottomed out in 1907 (Paul, 1996). The advanced Fed follows its establishing to President Wilson, who came up with a group of counsels that created the proposition which eventually turned into the Federal Reserve Act, passed by Congress in 1913. The seven unique individuals from the FRB sit for a gathering representation, soon after being confirmed. They incorporate the first Chairman of the Federal Reserve, Charles Hamlin, and President Wilsons Treasury Secretary W.G. McAdoo. Today, the designated individuals from the board serve for staggering fourteen-year terms. Regardless of the chief aims of the Federal Reserve Act, hypothesis on Wall Street proceeded at a pace, prompting a crash in October of 1929. Researchers have proposed that the monstrous money related emergency that followed was exacerbated by the unwillingness of Fed to infuse more cash into the economy. To some degree due to this, almost 10,000 banks fizzled between 1930 and 1933 (Paul, 1996). Because of the emergency, Congress passed the Banking Act of 1933, otherwise called the Glass-Steagall Act that required the separation of business and investment; obliged the utilization of government securities as security for Federal Reserve notes. This led to the con struction of the Federal
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Picasso's Les Demoiselles DAvignon and de Kooning's Woman Essay
Picasso's Les Demoiselles DAvignon and de Kooning's Woman - Essay Example The title refers to the so-called Maisons D`Avignon, â€Å"the houses of pleasure in Avignon Street in Barcelona†. The painting nevertheless faced rejection from his close friends and family, because of its nakedness and carnality. This art was a good example of the African influence on modern European art. Many art historians have noticed the striking resemblance between certain African mask style and the mask-like faces of the five women. African art was used in this context, either as visual evidence for the spread of cultural traits from innovative centers, or as evidence for the social evolution of cultures; from groups which were capable of natural representation, to those which had presumably graduated to the mastery of geometric stylization and abstract forms.Picasso had found a source for a new, non-naturalistic way of representing the world and it blocks the real features of a woman. In this art, a woman is a significant symbol; Picasso represents her as a desecrated icon already torn into bits, and reveals more of rock foundation of sexiest anti-human and celebrates the control of a woman by man.Willem De Kooning was a painter and sculptor of Dutch birth. He was a leading figure in the abstract expression. His work is characterized by an â€Å"inherent stylelessness, resulting from the constant parallel exploration of divergent themes and techniques†(Marter 44). For two years, he worked on his art the woman 1 (1950-52, in New York), â€Å"an image which has become a totem and icon of the times†.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
The Statement For Goals For BSPN Essay Example for Free
The Statement For Goals For BSPN Essay The health of a nation is its wealth. Any country that would increase tremendously in its gross national and domestic product understands the importance of health, and as such devotes huge sum of money to maintain the health of her citizens. Training health workers and engaging in public health campaigns are also part of the agenda: many a people contact infectious diseases and others are exposed to cardiac disorders because of the ignorance. As a result, these two diseases have created a double disease burden in many nations of the world including China. These make public health an indispensable tool for improved national health; thus my passion to make a contribution through this tool. Last year, an uncle was ill in the hospital of Mainland China. My parent and I went there to visit him. I was disappointed at that time because the environment status of the hospital was poor. More seriously, the public health standard of the city was not acceptable. People spit in the street. Air pollution is serious due to industrialization. There was no warning signal for smoking and its concomitant health hazards. Food production and distribution were not so properly controlled and adequately regulated. All such examples give me sprout a need in me, to study in this direction so that I can make an impact. This is why I begin to become interested in public health. One of my father’s friends has run the business of â€Å"Hospital Management†in St. Louis, Missouri. They always talk about health care topics such as how to plan for emergence rescue of the society, how to establish measures against infectious diseases, and how to position hospitals within the society. Especially, as the number of old people increase daily, there will be high demand for health care provision for the aged. It is through this simple route I gathered some basic features of the public health. I do not have direct experience in the field of public health. However, the SARS effect in Hong Kong provides me the unforgettable memories. From that event, I understand how the public hospitals were badly designed and built. Surprisingly, the ventilation system in hospitals is one of the clauses for SARS. Besides, there were no segregation patient wards. On the other hand, the doctors and nurses tried their best to save peoples’ lives. Finally, we won the battles against SARS. Such doctors and nurses are respectable. Since then, I have deep interest in studying public health and joined my school activities to improve its health condition .These include how to teach classmate to wash their hands and design pamphlets how to promote hygienic environment. I have learnt to use the simple knowledge I have about environmental health to impact my school, and the area I reside. Still, I need to know more so that the influence can be exact. The area of Public health is very broad. I am quite enthusiastic in Old aged Community Management and Hospital Management fields. The need for aged facilities rises daily; this necessitates provision of competent services for them. Members of the community need also become aware of this trend so that concerted efforts can be directed at achieving the goal of improved health conditions within and outside the hospitals. It is equally important to make sure that the health facilities meet basic standard that can adequately curtail nosocomial infections; primary health care services should also be available in the community. Recreational facilities should be provided. Ambulances should also be ready for emergence rescue. In case of joining the BSPH program, I hope to make use of the Management Theories in the Public Health Field. These include hardware management such as design and layouts of hospitals, location of hospitals, cost and benefit analysis and budgeting. For software, it is mainly in dealing with human recourses management such as directing, coordinating, motivating, creating, training and cost planning. Having finished the studying, I may join the public health sector, maybe as a civil servant or professional advisor to promote public health standard. In particular, it is one of my goals and career to bring such advanced knowledge into the under-developed or poor countries such as China, India or Africa to improve their public health conditions.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Robinson Jeffers Essay -- essays research papers
The Nature of Man by Robinson Jeffers Robinson Jeffers is one of the twentieth centuries most important and controversial poets. He, like others in history, has tried to give his opinion about life. Many poets in the twentieth century focused on issues affecting mankind, Jeffers is no exception. Most of his work was inspired by his surroundings. One’s environment is great source for poetic inspiration. Poets come and go, but their ideas are kept alive through their poems. Whether they are a hundred or ten years old, these poems hold ideas in them which are still interesting now as they were back then. It seems that poets are always passionate about their work. They should be, since it expresses who they are and what they believe in through writing. One tends to write about what one knows or feels one might know. Feelings control our mind and our mind controls our actions. How we feel can be determined by external forces. Sometimes, one lets emotions run wild which can cause our work to be accepted or rejected by o thers.      One must not worry about writing something which might cause a brush off by society. However, writings such as these can create a cold shoulder for one’s future work. Then again, poetry is used to express oneself. Society will only encourage radical behavior to continue and who knows, one’s ideas might generate a fan base. A poet cannot please everyone. There are some emotions which will be seen as pleasant ideas and some which will seem disrespectful. Poetry, that is controversial, seems to captivate an audience and it accomplishes one’s lofty goals. One’s courageous work commands respect, whether the reader agrees with the ideas or not. Poems are intended to force the audience to see one’s views. Though the reader’s views often contradict your own, the most important part is to make them consider new ideas and better understand the issues. Although, many of issues will never be understood.      Poets often tend to write openly about this. Man is involved with everything in this world. Mankind as a whole has progressed in knowledge and technology. In other areas, on the other hand, it has stayed the same or has gotten worst. Poets for centuries have written about man. Few, have written using facts. Yet more have written using their opinions. Thousands of books have been written about... ...rica’s intervention. â€Å"The squid, frightened and angry, shoots darkness out of her ink sac; the fighting destroyer throws out a smoke screen, and fighting governments produce lies.†Jeffers kept pushing his views of man stating that our race began to think as an adult does, rather than an egocentric baby. He also believed that man controlled the keys of unearthly violence. Claiming that Earth is too small to feed us and we must have room. Also, Jeffers was once quoted saying, â€Å"We use to be individuals, not populations. Breeding like rabbits, we hasten to meet the day.†(Birth and Death) In later poems, he began to wonder what was the best life for a man. Jeffers came to the conclusion that man should have never been born and the next best was to die young. (The Silent Shepherd) As his reputation fell, Jeffers began less on man. Jeffers expressed his contempt for human society, which he regarded as doomed by its own violence and depravity. With his unc ompromising reverence for nonhuman values and his World War II isolationism, Jeffers fell out of favor with the public. Even though still outspoken after the war, newly created patriotism in America did nothing but anger many Americans.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Alien Rhyming Poem Essay
I’ll even do the rhyming thing, I guess. Firstly, I should tell you of our species But keep in mind, we’re very different beings Our social status is decided by blood. Some were brightly colored, others were like mud. Not of whom we are from descended from, We had no family, no dad, or mum. We are assigned a caretaker from birth, Not of Troll descent, for what it’s worth. They’re assigned an animal, called a lusus, I, was a special case. One that caused a fuss. I had candy red blood. I was a mutant. And most trolls, considered me a pollutant. I was left for dead as a baby grub, It was quite an intentional snub. I would have died that first night, cold and lonesome, If it weren’t for one troll, who was wholesome. No troll had ever cared for a young one, Let alone raise it, was their son. She was an adult, in green attire, And the look on her face, made her seem quite dire. Despite her outwardly appearance She taught me the meaning of adherence. Our species is naturally hostile, And knowing this, made me feel quite vile. I despised all of my species needless strife, The type that nearly ended my life. The hierarchical system is cruel, Leaving it to chance if you serve or rule. The lowest color on the hemospectrum, Were the bronze-bloods, all of which were thought as scum They were lucky to live through their childhood, And they were blessed if they were understood. The second of blood colors was yellow, These poor souls were forced to live in the ghetto. And if they could not afford to live there, They were sold to slavery, and none would care. Up next was olive, jade, and then teal, And none of these were really a big deal. After that, cerulean and dark blue, These were the hardest to attend to. These classes were always struggling for power, It made their general tone, quite sour. The highest of the normal bloods was purple, And out of all of them, they were most verbal. Always making demands, but never amends, However, the aggrievance extends. They considered themselves royalty, Flaunting around all flamboyantly. Near the top, were the violet blooded, And they lived in places that were flooded. They had a mutation which gave them gills, And plenty of impractical frills. And at the top were those with blood like gold, And every single one of them was cold. They like the purple-bloods had gills and frills, But they would kill others just for thrills They ruled over our race with an iron fist, But only one at any time could exist. This made a cruel sort of monarchy One which plunged plunged the lowbloods into poverty. And if you spoke out against the crimes†¦ Well it was like stepping into a field of landmines. And if one was seen with my blood hue, They’d be allowed to kill me. Through, and through. Despite all this, she raised me as a child, And when I learned of this†¦ I think I smiled But that was the only blessing I was brought, For the rest of my life, I wish I forgot. I traveled the lands, preaching my ideal, I had set out on my quest with a great zeal. I sought to change the views of society, And change all of their impropriety. I taught the values of peace and love, Something that most were afraid to talk of. Not all were too fond of my teachings, They thought of it as annoying screeching. But eventually, I gathered a cult. One much to her majesty’s insult. She sent her best men to find and catch me, I on the other hand, did my best to flee. Eventually they caught me, my disciple too, But in some stroke of luck, the let her through. She went on, spreading word of my Lessons, I hope she went on, to teach her own sessions†¦ I, however was not treated so well, They locked me up in their deepest cell. They tortured me for what seemed like forever, They had no mercy for me whatsoever. I screamed with anger that pierced the skies All of my love, had said their goodbyes. The only thing left, was anger and hatred, And in time, all my teachings faded. I could not make a stand for peace and love, For those, my species are unworthy of. And now you know all of my suffering, And why my irons, are still burning. â€
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Candle Light Glass Menagerie
The Power of Light A Candle light is the most primitive of lights, but it serves a different purpose than illuminating a room in The Glass Menagerie, written by Tennessee Williams. Williams uses the contrast between light and darkness to symbolize and emphasize the powerful moments that occur in the play. Although Williams uses these mechanics, the candle light of course has deeper meaning within the context of the story. Being the weakest of lights, the candle light is easily extinguished, but that small, weak light has some form of hope against the overbearing world.With Laura being as fragile, he candle symbolizes her hopes and dreams that are which snuffed out from society. Throughout the play, Williams also uses candle light imagery to describe Laura and her emotions. The candle light represents hope and how it is lost, but the character who demonstrates this most is Laura. Light, in any form, brings some form of happiness to people. Laura demonstrates her happiness when she sha res a tender moment with Jim. Being reclusive and removing herself from society, Laura is unable to interact with people, but only on certain circumstances when â€Å"light†illuminates through her.This â€Å"light†that is being referred to is the inner hope that Laura has. She desperately wants to guard this hope though, in fear of it being extinguished. This is very apparent when Laura says, â€Å"Oh be careful – if you breathe, it breaks! †(Williams 1281). Laura is referring to her glass unicorn, which also represents her, but any form of power like a breath could possibly break the unicorn which refers to her own candle light of hope. Laura desires Jim and hopes that his feelings for her remain true.As Jim continues to enlighten Laura, she announces, â€Å"l trust you with him! Hold him over the light, he oves the light! You see how the light shines through him? †(Williams 1281) Laura's hope is continuing to grow as she suggests Jim to take hold of her unicorn. With the unicorn representing her, and the light illuminating through the unicorn, Laura has officially given herself and her hope into Jim. After he admits that he is to be married, the hope that is inside Laura is extinguished.At the end of the play, Tom speaks solely to his sister, and tells her to â€Å"Blow out [her] candles†(Williams 1289). Tom means that there is no hope left for Laura, and she will be stuck with herself for the est of her life. Wanting to find new things in life, Tom has decided to leave, and realizes that with him leaving Laura has no chance to find another â€Å"gentleman caller†and so her lights of hope are extinguished. The author uses light and darkness to symbolize and to emphasize the dramatic moments of the play.The desperation and highly charged emotions in this play are linked to the symbolism of the light getting dim or going dark Just like the status of the unstable Wingfields. The candles are a way for the au dience to understand that soon all wlll go aarK. Easlly Dlown out, tne candles prov10e a very temporary moment of light, when Laura shares a tender moment with Jim, before her hopes and dreams are extinguished. There are several ways of looking at the candles. First, they establish a more muted tone – you might even call it romantic.That less harsh light perhaps allows Laura to be more open with Jim; it gives her courage. That might lead to an interpretation that the candles symbolize hope. Hope that Laura might be able to connect with Jim, hope that Amanda's dream of a Gentleman Caller providing a uture for Laura, hope that if Laura is taken care of, Tom will be able to strike out on his own and leave the shoe warehouse, etc. It makes Tom's final line more heart- breaking – â€Å"blow out your candles, Laura. There is ultimately no hope for this socially and physically (at least in her mind) handicapped young woman. There is no place in our society for such a misfit. the last scene of the play, Tom tells Laura to blow our her candles, and here the candles symbolizes Laura and her familys hope. This can be seen by how it makes contrast with the world lit by lightning, and how he author uses candlelight to describe Laura. First of all, the candlelight stands in contrast to a world lit by lightning in Tom's final words.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on the Healthcare Industry
Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on the Healthcare Industry The global financial crisis threatened to lead to the total breakdown of the global economy. Despite originating from the US subprime market, the global financial crisis affected all sectors of the economy. The sectors affected by the global financial crisis ranged from banking, insurance to tourism.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on the Healthcare Industry specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The global financial crisis had an adverse effect on the healthcare industry. The global financial crisis reduced the funding of that the healthcare facilities received from the government. Lack of funding made hospitals suspend their expansion plans. The global financial crisis reduced people’s income. This reduced the ability of people to access quality healthcare. This is because they could not afford quality healthcare, which is expensive. The global financial crisis reduced investm ents in the healthcare industry. Many hospitals delayed their expansion plans during the financial crisis due to lack of funds. Some of the worst affected projects included the expansion of wards and purchase of new diagnostic equipment. The hospitals put on hold projects that would have improved the quality of healthcare. In addition, there was a hiring freeze in most hospitals during the global financial crisis. Therefore, the global financial crisis had a negative effect on the quality of healthcare. During the financial crisis, there was a significant decline in the number of patients of were admitted in various hospitals. This is because the patients did not have enough funds to seek medical treatment. Patients postponed seeking medical treatment for non-fatal ailments or resorted to cheaper healthcare alternatives. This reduced the income of healthcare facilities that focused on treatment of non-fatal ailments. During the financial crisis, most hospitals experienced a sharp hi ke in bad debts. This is because patients could not afford to pay hospital bills despite the fact that they required medical care. Medical facilities have investment portfolios that complement their income. During the global financial income, the financial markets were performing poorly. Therefore, this reduced the income of the healthcare facilities. The government, individuals, and employers are the principal financiers of healthcare. Most countries have various government-funded medical schemes that finance healthcare. Lack of funds during the global financial crisis necessitated the government to introduce budget cuts. Budget cuts had a negative impact on government-funded healthcare schemes. Companies depend on the availability of revenue to finance employee healthcare schemes. The global financial crisis reduced the revenue of most employers. This reduced the ability of employers to fund various healthcare schemes. Individuals also have private healthcare insurance schemes. Ho wever, the global financial crisis led to a significant reduction in the income of various people. This made it difficult for individuals to purchase healthcare insurance policies.Advertising Looking for essay on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The global financial crisis had a negative effect on the individual health of various people. People postponed seeking healthcare services for non-fatal conditions. People depended on the public healthcare system. This increased the pressure that the public healthcare system faced. This is despite the fact that the global financial crisis reduced the availability of funds to finance various public healthcare schemes. In addition, the global financial crisis reduced the health status of individuals. Home foreclosures and other financial problems had a negative effect on the mental and psychological health of various people. The importance of healthcare in a na tion’s well-being necessitated most governments to limit budget cuts on healthcare provision. Most governments strived to ensure that lack of funds during the financial crisis does not lead to deterioration of the health status of people.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Women Celebrities of World War II
Women Celebrities of World War II With the 20th centurys movie industry making many women (and men) into well-known celebrities, and the star system extended into other fields such as sports as well, it was only natural that some stars would find ways to use their celebrity to support the war effort. The Axis Actress In Germany, Hitler used propaganda to support his war effort. Actress, dancer, and photographer Leni Riefenstahl made documentary films for the Nazi Party during the 1930s and Hitlers consolidation of power. She escaped punishment after the war after a court found that she was not herself a Nazi party member. Acting Allies In America, films and plays promoting participation in the war and anti-Nazi films and plays were also part of the overall war effort. Women actresses played in many of these. Women also wrote some of them: Lillian Hellmans 1941 play, The Rhine, warned of the rise of the Nazis. Entertainer Josephine Baker worked with the French Resistance and entertained troops in Africa and the Middle East. Alice Marble, a tennis star, secretly married an intelligence operative and when he died, was convinced to spy on a former lover, a Swiss banker, suspected of having records of Nazi finances. She found such information and was shot in the back, but escaped and recovered. Her story was told only after her death in 1990. Carole Lombard made her final film as a satire about the Nazis and died in a plane crash after attending a war bond rally. President Franklin D. Roosevelt declared her the first woman to die in the line of duty in the war. Her new husband, Clark Gable, enlisted in the Air Force after her death. A ship was named in Lombards honor. Perhaps the most famous pin-up poster in World War II showed Betty Grable in a swimsuit from the back, looking over her shoulder. The Varga Girls, drawn by Alberto Vargas, were also popular, as were photos of Veronica Lake, Jane Russell, and Lane Turner. Fundraising In New Yorks theater world, Rachel Crothers started the Stage Womens War Relief. Others who helped to raise funds for war relief and the war effort included Tallulah Bankhead, Bette Davis, Lynn Fontaine, Helen Hayes, Katharine Hepburn, Hedy Lamarr, Gypsy Rose Lee, Ethel Merman, and the Andrews Sisters. Giving Back To the Troops The USO Tours or Camp Shows which entertained troops in the US and overseas drew many women entertainers, too. Rita Hayworth, Betty Grable, the Andrews Sisters, Ann Miller, Martha Raye, Marlene Dietrich, and many lesser-knowns were ​a welcome relief for the soldiers. Several all-girl bands and orchestras toured, including the International Sweethearts of Rhythm, one of the rare racially-mixed groups.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Online Gambling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Online Gambling - Essay Example In Australia, gaming machine gambling turnover is a major one across all the gambling forms; the turnover is around $ 107,924 million. The essay aims to provide an insight into the internet gambling in Australia with a discussion of its advantages and disadvantages. This essay starts with an introduction to the Australian online gambling industry. A conclusion has been inferred from the analysis part. Online Gambling in Australia: The roots of the same Ever since the first European settlers had arrived on shore, gambling has become an inherent part of Australian culture. British influence has given considerable contribution to give gambling a firm ground for its establishment and enlargement. Quickly it became significantly popular form of entertainment in Australia. In the 1980’s, in Australia, gambling was present in a number of organised forms. So, it was quite natural that Australia would emerge as one of those first countries who would get their hands on these newly intro duced technologies, allowing them to get indulge into internet gambling. On 8th April, 1999, Australia became the first country across the globe to legalize the online gambling. â€Å"Not only was Australia the first country to legalize online gambling under a fully regulated jurisdiction, but Lasseters Online is also the world's first internet casino to be operated by a land-based casino, situated in the Northern Territory†(Online Casino Archives, 2008). Lasseters had its belief in the online gaming industry. From day one, the company realised the prospectus of the international gambling. Even before other Australian states, it has opened its doors to the international customers. The Australian government swiftly appreciated the potential market success... The public and legal gambling history of Australia began in the early period of nineteenth century. The history started off with gambling on horse racing. In the year 1810, the first publicly organised race meeting was held in New South Wales. In the year 1861, the Melbourne cup, a globally recognised race, was first introduced in Victoria. In the early twentieth century, lotteries were introduced. In the year 1920, the Golden casket lottery was established by the Queensland Government. The very first regulated online casino started off in the year 1999. Since the 1990s, the expansion of gambling has experienced a considerable growth; this has been true for Australia and several other countries. At this time, the electronic gaming machines had been introduced in the hotels and casinos across Australia. In the year 1956, these were introduced in the Australian clubs. At the first stage, gaming machines were not originally introduced in the hotels as these do not have the same communit y focus or the same types of community engagements as the Australian clubs. For the clubs the gambling was the most significant activity to earn revenue while in hotels and casinos the trend was to serve beer and other alcohol. In this new era, the gaming machines have developed a lot to introduce a highly sophisticated computer programmed machines. The modern and technically enhanced gaming machines can be programmed to offer small wins to maintain the excitement.This also helps the participants to be hopeful of large wins. Presently, Australia seems to be one of the most attractive online gambling location in entire Oceania as the country got several licensed internet gambling sites. Gambling has a very long history. Since the inception, gambling has emerged as a controversial issue.
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