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Literary analysis of ‘The Going’ by Thomas Hardy Essay
‘The Going’ is a sonnet grieving the passing and loss of Hardy’s spouse Emma. The topics of anguish, love and lament are...
Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Biggest Myth About Uc Prompt 1 Essay Samples Exposed
The Biggest Myth About Uc Prompt 1 Essay Samples Exposed Or culture can be regarded as that portion of the environment that is the introduction of human beings. It doesn't matter to us, whether you're too busy on the job concentrating on a passion undertaking, or simply tired of a seemingly infinite stream of assignments. Still, think of what the experience most reveals about you. Not only do you have to demonstrate the way your leadership met the challenge you faced, but you also need to demonstrate the way the experience changed you. Uc Prompt 1 Essay Samples - Overview So if you decide to respond to the two of these questions, be certain you highlight distinct skills in each. Somebody works part-time and doesn't have sufficient time to do each of the assignments. Every student necessitates help with homework from time to time. Allow it to sit for a couple days untouched. The Lost Secret of Uc Prompt 1 Essay Samples Each particular culture constitutes a sort of blueprin t of all life's activities. The past experience of different men and women in the shape of culture enters into nearly every function. Among the intriguing things about human beings is they try to understand themselves and their very own behavior. Consider your life and do several free writes so as to recognize an instant of inspiration. So How About Uc Prompt 1 Essay Samples? For instance, it gave me a chance to communicate with customers, which is a helpful method to practice my communication abilities. For instance, you experienced a loss of some sort. You don't need to be worried about your personal details that could be viewed, as we handle the matter on a safe network. Providing details and examples of your private experience will be able to help you stick out from the crowd. These seven sample essays respond to a range of thought-provoking questions. Use the essay to demonstrate how you differ from the rest of the capable applicants. PaperCoach can assist you with al l your papers, so take a look at the moment! Academic papers can't contain any signals of plagiarism. The Tried and True Method for Uc Prompt 1 Essay Samples in Step by Step Detail Who knew essay writing might be so tough. Bridget's essay is quite strong, but there continue to be a couple little things that could be made better. Because you're once more likely to be limited to 350 words, you won't be in a position to fit all the ways you exhibit your unique bit of awesomeness within this essay. Thus, don't be unwilling to reading. The second portion of this essay would like you to examine the present instead. Generally, the very first, setup, section of the essay ought to be shorter, because it won't be focused on what you were doing. Before answering the question, think about the intention of the essay. For more help, have a look at our article on making up amazing suggestions for your essay topic. Bear in mind that the admissions won't base their decision inside this part only. Take a look at our highly in depth explainer on studying for the SAT to learn to prepare best. If you're on an immediate path to a particular area of study or career pursuit, admissions officers definitely wish to understand that. Students lead busy lives and frequently forget about an approaching deadline. Then large school happened. The sort of essay you're looking for will be offered to you within the deadline offered to you. So should you need to employ college essay writer online, we're just the people that you want to contact. While it's the case that there are a few excellent writers in college some find it extremely tough to write. The most frequently encountered paper writing service that the majority of our clients require is essay writing. Now you can purchase genuine college essay online, one that is going to fit your financial plan and get your work done too. As soon as you receive a task done from us you will return again if you need assistance with another one of your essays. To make sure that you will locate a complete answer to every question, we've got a support team that's always online. Before you may fix an issue, you've got to understand that the problem exists. You're not being requested to write about both sections of this question. This question is attempting to probe the manner in which you express yourself. You have to write convincingly. Because personal statements are short, you just won't have enough time to spell out everything you've loved about a specific subject in enough detail to make it count. The Ultimate Uc Prompt 1 Essay Samples Trick Unfortunately, when any actual m oney on-line casino in the USA is sold to a different company this full process has to be repeated. Tell our experts what kind of homework help on the internet you want to get. Pay a visit to our Apply page today for final methods and to begin! To get started gambling now, just click on a website or an arrow below!
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
National Business Forms And Printing Essay - 768 Words
Statement of Facts: National Business Forms Printing, INC. located in Navasota, Texas; is a printing commercial business that sells signs, stickers, banners, and other printing goods. NBFP’s main services are offered through two online websites. National Business Forms Printing sold to affiliated and nonaffiliated customers, using several logos of known car dealerships. One of those dealerships was Ford Motor Company (Ford). Ford was not complied with NBFP doing business with its logo, and as a result sent NBFP a â€Å"cease-and desist letter.†In such letter, Ford demanded NBFP to pay $5000 for damages and to stop commercializing with the Fords Logo. Instead of abiding to Ford’s demand, NBFP decided to sue Ford in a Texas State Court looking for a â€Å"declaration†. Ford, on the other hand, countersued NBFP in the U.S. District Court of Southern District of Texas. Ford alleged that NBFP committed trademark infringement, counterfeit of Ford’s product (logo), and â⠂¬Å"false designation†. The U.S District Court of Texas separated Ford’s claims into four categories. First, NBFP’s advertising material for Ford’s associated dealers. Second, advertising material for â€Å"independent dealers;†third, a custom logo made by NBFP using an oval similar that stated â€Å"NO BIG 3 BAILOUT;†fourth, remaining products that NBFP sold that could be connected to Ford. The District court denied judgment as a matter of law on the first three categories. On the other hand, it allowed judgment on the fourthShow MoreRelatedImagined Communities : Reflections On The Origin And Spread Of Nationalism1352 Words  | 6 PagesNationalism discusses the rise of nationalism as a way in which people, through the rise of â€Å"print-capitalism†began to create â€Å"imagined communities†. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Human Water Security and River Biodiversity †MyAssignmenthelp.com
Question: Discuss about the Human Water Security and River Biodiversity. Answer: Introduction Human resource management is a branch that deals with the interests of the workers, and the managers in an organization. It ensures that all the rules and regulations are followed to the latter by everybody in the organization. The branch also ensures that all the workers are qualified, and no worker is looked down upon, in any branch of an organization. The human resource management also ensures that the required effort is applied to make their dream come to pass. In the world of today, many organizations have failed to meet their sat goal, and thus have ended up failing in their activities. This is the reason behind their failure. First, they do not manage their workers properly. In this field, there should be a very serious law that governs the workers. Since the workers are the back born of an organization, a certain point of weaknesses related to them may adversely affect the whole organization. Workers are therefore supposed to be given due respect, and managed properly wheneve r possible. Therefore, when talking of diversity, culture and any other form of problem or weakness, this means that the managerial branch has a lot of responsibilities to carry out. They are responsible for delayed promotions in an organization, as well as delayed recruitments of new employees in the organization. In addition, the managerial team is also responsible for complains concerning failed developments of an organization. Therefore, the workers are supposed to work hand in hand with the managerial branch to ensure that all is well with the company or organization, for them to achieve their set goal. The culture of an organization simply refers to the trend of activities which take place in the organization (Harzing A. Pinningtion, 2015). An example of a culture in business is the recruitment of new managers, which means that the old managers must retire after a certain period of time. Another example of an organizational culture is that of lying off workers with a history of misbehavior. Other examples include the recruiting of young workers, for training, and also celebrating the achievement of the organization after a certain period of time. These are some of the few examples of culture in an organization. In no name company, workers have created a difficult environment for the potential customers (Avey, Luthans, Jensen, 2009). They have a bad communication mode, thus making it difficult to have an effective communication with the managers. Being an assembly company, no name is a company that has been known to give quality assembling as well as good services to customers. Ho wever, the customers are now complaining of low quality assembling parts for aircrafts. Since quality is the most character that defines a business, low quality means that no name will lose a good name thus tarnishing its good name. In a company where communication is a problem, things will definitely go wrong. People need to communicate and understand each other, for effective results. However, when there is a problem in communication, respect will be absent, and a worker will do according to their will. It is therefore important to ensure that communication is effective in a company. Good communication has the following significance: Effective communication means that the entire employees and employers in a company are in good terms (Gagn, 2009). This makes it possible or information to be passed from one person to another. In terms of saving time, good communication means that there is no time for arguments or idleness. Therefore, time will be well utilized in increasing productivity. The end result of good communication in an organization understands (Subramony, 2009). When people communicate in a positive manner, they understand one another, and therefore make it easy to pass information. Therefore, important and urgent issues will be solved effectively in the company, thus making success the trend in that company Good communication solves problems whenever the issues arise (Gruman, Saks, 2011). For example, no name company could have solved the issue of low quality parts of aircrafts before the matter got out of hand. However, they are now facing the challenge of controlling the rumor, since the matter has got out of hand. They could have made it and manage o secure the name of the company before it became too late. If they could have been in good terms as members of the same company, they could have solved the matter before it became too late. At no name, there diversity is like a plague. It is spreading fast and the workers have started to realize that things are going wrong. Though they respect the rule that deals with diversity, to them they found this habits taking place and are therefore generational inheritance. However, the head quarters point is being faced by the challenge of senior employees not wanting to work with new recruits, and employees from different generations. They have a feeling that these diverse generation will interfere with the system and operations of the company, which have existed over a period of time. People with disabilities are not being recruited in companies, more so in china. The managers are said to have been ignoring application lettered from people with disabilities. In spite of these disabled people having all the qualifications needed for the jobs, they have been discriminated against just because of their situation. The manager, OMeara feels unstable and worried since the rejected and disabled candidates may choose to take action against the company. Human diversity causes differences in companies. Employees feel different whenever this kind of diversity occurs. Diversity such as discrimination against race, gender and age are the main causes of problems in this word. In organizations, people need to have love for one another for a country to move on from the point of view; turning down the request of a person because of disability issue is unfair, and inhuman in a way. These disabled people are also human beings and have families. In addition, they also need to take care f their daily needs, and that is why they went to school to improve their skills. These people are innocent, and should be treated fairly, and considered for jobs whenever possible. In todays world, the disabled have found it difficult to cope with situations since everybody thinks that they cannot make it in life. Hover, it is well said that disability is not inability, since these disabled people have a talent, and have even proved to be better, in terms of jo b performance, compared to the other workers (Blume, Ford, Baldwin Huang, 2010). They have shown their determination to give the best in their work areas, for they need to prove their employers and the rest of the people who ignored them that they are wrong. People need to have a positive perception towards their opponents, and love them, as well as respect them despite their situation and condition. Discrimination as a result of race leads to limited skill. When workers from different races come together, they bring different thoughts and resolutions which simply solve issues in that particular company. According to research, companies with employees from diverse origins and races are the most improving companies (Ployhart Moliterno, 2011). They have brought together different abilities and from different teachers. They teach one another different ways of handling issues, the way they do them back in their homes. This makes a single task easy to solve, but through different ways. Employees from different races respect one another, and are always focused. They go to work to do what they must do there, and are therefore focused to achieve their set goals. Discriminating against workers due to gender limits the companys chances to taste the ability of the opposite gender (Pynes, 2008). What men can do, women can also do, in the world of today. Therefore, people only need to have skill, and practice what they know in the necessary field. Everybody is therefore fit for any job opportunity provided that they have the required qualifications. They are eligible for employment in any office which requires people with the skills they have. International performance management At no name aircraft, the international performance management is not maintained at all. There are frequent complains that the company orders a certain country like china to produce a certain amount of parts. The company however comes to realize later, that same amount aircraft parts were produced in Singapore (Hill, 2008). This lowers the performance of a company, since the business is not being operated from a similar point. It therefore means that some profit is being shared out of the business. Development is triggered by training. Trained workforce cannot be compared to untrained workforce. And therefore no name aircraft company needs to train their workers. A certain female worker at no name aircraft company once said that she had to take too long before knowing to attend to her duties (Vrsmarty McIntyre et al, 2010). There were no training sessions in the country she was sent, and workers had to get to work without the knowhow. This is a clear indication that there is no good governance in no name aircraft company. Division of labor means that duties are divided amongst certain groups or individuals, to increase output. However, the division has many challenges which range from monotony, poor performance and less production. All these challenges are brought about by workers being placed in branches or being allocated duties they are not used to. They therefore get bored in doing a similar job all day long, without any change. Work requires interest, and choice is made by the workers themselves. Workers need to be trained before being allocated duties. When workers are allocated duties without the knowhow, they face challenges and may even opt to do the work for the sake of completion, not because they are willing to do it (Boxall, Macky, 2009). These duties belong to the management branch, and must be keen on it since it contributes a lot to either the positive or negative part of the company or organization At no name aircraft company, there is division of labor since they are working with people from china and Singapore. This means that there must be good relationship between the three, to improve the performance of the company (McCauley, 2012). Performance is measured by the yield obtained from the output of a companys work. There should be good communication between the three countries to make sure that they produce what is required, and no extra products in or outs of the main company in Australia. Research has shown that the world has become the ha5rdest place to accommodate the wishes of human beings. In the employment sector, employment has become an inheritance and the workers in most of the organizations are managed and operated by generations (Schermerhorn, Davidson, Poole, Woods McBarron, 2014). Managers employ their relatives and close friends, and most of these people are not fit for the jobs they acquire (Chew Chan, 2008). If by any chance another person secures a job in such companies, it is a mistake or because there is no one else who can occupy that post. The visitor does not even have peace in the company since he or she is the only odd one in the company. Though the government and the employment sector have tried to solve these problems, they have also face the challenges of coordinating people who have the ability to think and come up with resolutions. The employment sector has therefore opted to stay away from the people, and let them operate as they wish (K ehoe Wright, 2013). However, the law strongly opposes discrimination against workers; this has become a chorus which everybody sings in the world. All the efforts to stop these social evils from talking place have born no fruits. However the following resolutions can help to control diversity. Love for one another Love erases all forms of evils, and bonds people. When employees and employers love another, love will not allow them to see the disability of a person. It will instead show them that the people with disability are there because they too have needs to take care of (Collings Mellahi, 2009). These people well therefore respect each other and help the interns to cope with the new environment. When love rules an organization, there is nothing like inheritance in leadership or generational employment. The person in the office will be a friend to the opponent, and that will work towards the positive (Lengnick-Hall, Andrade Drake, 2009). Lack of love leads a company to darkness, and the end result of that company is continuous losses and closure. It is not possible for a company with people from different races or origins to incur difficulties. A tough law should be created. This law will be aimed towards the law ignorant who know all the rules and regulations of a company but are not willing to do as required. This law will include a tough punishment and a heavy fine, which will discourage other people with the same intention from becoming victims (Chen Huang, 2009). The law must be implemented immediately, since the world has completely changed. For example, in the no name company, the employers know that there is a certain rule that strongly stands against all forms of diversity ranging from race, gender, ethnicity, origin and sex. However, they are in the front line, practicing all these social evils without hesitation, or respect for the rule. The decisions have however led them to the negative side, and are now reaping what they sowed. Recommendations It is not the high time to work alone. Everybody in the society is needy in one way or the other, and success will never come in a silver platter. There must be hard work which leads to success, if worked towards the positive. People should therefore assume that everybody around them is a brother or a sister, and requires to be treated fairly. Work has to be shared so as to improve performance. There is no way that a manager can manage the machines in the office without operating them. And since he cannot operate them all at once, he needs to have employees who will assist him it operating them. May be he does not even have the knowledge of operating the machines, but the workers will do so since that is what they are trained to do (Jiang, Lepak, Hu, Baer, 2012). This means that every worker has a part to play in the office, despite their condition. On the side of the workers, they cannot practice their skills in their house, but they instead have to practice what they know in an of fice, or in the necessary areas. They also need to practice their knowledge in a way that earns them a living, since they need to earn a living. Conclusion Todays world has changed, as compared to the past. Though social evils were not as famous as they are today, there were still other challenges which where faced during those times. However, today, in this world of technology, social evils have become difficult to control, and also part and parcel of human beings. However, our fore fathers were still colonized by greedy power states, who misused them. This was fair in a way that after the colonizers achieved their set goal; they left and went back to their states. It is not the high time to stay divided, because we will never achieve what we need in life. Employees and employers should live as brothers and sisters, and try to avoid diversity whenever possible. Everybody in the society has the senses, and no one feels goods when being hurt by an action, a word, or a close friend. We are all human beings and everybody will need the assistance of the other someday. We should therefore eliminate the differences and always see a brother, a sister or a friend in every other person we meet in life References Avey, J. B., Luthans, F., Jensen, S. M. (2009). Psychological capital: A positive resource for combating employee stress and turnover. Human resource management, 48(5), 677-693. Blume, B. D., Ford, J. K., Baldwin, T. T., Huang, J. L. (2010). Transfer of training: A meta-analytic review. Journal of management, 36(4), 1065-1105. Boxall, P., Macky, K. (2009). Research and theory on high?performance work systems: progressing the high?involvement stream. Human Resource Management Journal, 19(1), 3-23. Chen, C. J., Huang, J. W. (2009). Strategic human resource practices and innovation performanceThe mediating role of knowledge management capacity. Journal of business research, 62(1), 104-114. Chew, J., Chan, C. C. (2008). Human resource practices, organizational commitment and intention to stay. International journal of manpower, 29(6), 503-522. Collings, D. G., Mellahi, K. (2009). Strategic talent management: A review and research agenda. Human resource management review, 19(4), 304-313. Gagn, M. (2009). A model of knowledge?sharing motivation. Human Resource Management, 48(4), 571-589. Gruman, J. A., Saks, A. M. (2011). Performance management and employee engagement. Human Resource Management Review, 21(2), 123-136. Hamel, G. (2008). The future of management. Human Resource Management International Digest, 16(6). Harzing A. Pinningtion (Eds) (2015) International Human Resource Management (Fourth Edition), by , SAGE. Hill, C. (2008). International business: Competing in the global market place. Strategic Direction, 24(9). Jiang, K., Lepak, D. P., Hu, J., Baer, J. C. (2012). How does human resource management influence organizational outcomes? A meta-analytic investigation of mediating mechanisms. Academy of management Journal, 55(6), 1264-1294. Kehoe, R. R., Wright, P. M. (2013). The impact of high-performance human resource practices on employees attitudes and behaviors. Journal of management, 39(2), 366-391. Lengnick-Hall, M. L., Lengnick-Hall, C. A., Andrade, L. S., Drake, B. (2009). Strategic human resource management: The evolution of the field. Human resource management review, 19(2), 64-85. McCauley, S. (2012). Introduction. In The Dilemma of Boundaries (pp. 117-121). Springer, Tokyo. Ployhart, R. E., Moliterno, T. P. (2011). Emergence of the human capital resource: A multilevel model. Academy of management review, 36(1), 127-150. Pynes, J. E. (2008). Human resources management for public and nonprofit organizations: A strategic approach (Vol. 30). John Wiley Sons. Schermerhorn, J., Davidson, P., Poole, D., Woods, P., Simon, A., McBarron, E. (2014). Management: Foundations and Applications (2nd Asia-Pacific Edition). John Wiley Sons. Subramony, M. (2009). A meta?analytic investigation of the relationship between HRM bundles and firm performance. Human resource management, 48(5), 745-768. Vrsmarty, C. J., McIntyre, P. B., Gessner, M. O., Dudgeon, D., Prusevich, A., Green, P., ... Davies, P. M. (2010). Global threats to human water security and river biodiversity. Nature, 467(7315), 555.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Overview of the Microsoft Surface Pro Essay Example
Overview of the Microsoft Surface Pro Essay On this essay we are going to conduct a rhetorical analysis on the article called â€Å"The Microsoft Surface Pro 3: A FITTING LAPTOP REPLACEMENT?†on this article the author starts at the beginning by comparing it with its competitors â€Å"Apple’s IPad†, but mainly focuses on describing the new aspects of this device and the upgrades made from its older model the surface pro 2. It also details its hardware and software capabilities, prices and expectations on the new mobile market. The author of the article is clearly focusing on corporate IT professionals and IT enthusiast who might enjoy having this powerful device at their disposal. â€Å"The latest version of Microsoft’s Surface Pro tablet represents the company’s most convincing alternative to Apple’s iPad. But how does it fit into corporate IT?†By comparing it to the famous IPad and recreating a controversial topic suck as the Apple vs Microsoft, the author quickly grabs the a ttention of both user, or in this case the attention of the readers who utilize both devices; either Microsoft users and Apple users can’t help but to keep reading to find out what makes this specific item stand apart from the famous Apple brand products. The author focuses on describing the Surface pro’s new specifications and the ability to use full fledge programs such as Photoshop, VM wares, and the full Microsoft office suite on this device. Another big point the author is trying to make by clarifying all the uses this device has, is to whether you can replace your traditional lap top or notebook for this tablet-pc device. By bringing up all the aspects where the surface pro shines, the author gets all the reader’s attention and makes a remarkable impression that the Surface pro is the device that will replace most of your laptop needs on this ongoing IT field. With all the detailed information and nice added features the author clearly states that the Surface Pro 3 is more than enough to We will write a custom essay sample on Overview of the Microsoft Surface Pro specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Overview of the Microsoft Surface Pro specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Overview of the Microsoft Surface Pro specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
immagration essays
immagration essays I am from an ethnicity and culture that is in the forefront of many political topics in this region today. I am Mexican. When this word comes up most people seem to think of illegal immigrants crossing the border. This thought can bring up much resentment and contempt from certain groups, and along with this comes prejudice and discrimination. However, before I jump ahead of myself I would like to discuss the physical and cultural differences between my people- Mexicans and the U.S. majority- Whites. Physical differences may seem obvious if you think in a stereotypical manner. But there is a great deal of physical diversity within the Mexican culture. The range can be anywhere from the "common" image of a short brown eyed, brown haired, brown skinned individual to the tall light eyed, light haired, light skinned person. In between is a mixture and combination of any of the mentioned characteristics (much of the variety comes from the blood of the Spaniards who invaded Mexico). In fact 60% of Mexico Is made up of "mestizo", mixed European and Indian decent and 30% "indigena", Native Americans of Indians (azteca.net). Those who have darker skin are, of course, more easily pointed out as Mexicans and usually experience more prejudice and racism than those who have characteristics similar to the majority. However, prejudice within our own race sometimes makes up for the lack of prejudice from Whites, but I digress. Moving on, there are many cultural differences. Language for one, which is Spanish (though there are over 50 indigenous languages (azteca.com)). Clothing is different. Not so much as it used to be however. Not everyone is wearing a poncho and sombrero. Of course food is different and is quite enjoyed by many Americans. However, Mexican-American food is somewhat different than Mexican food from Mexico. And I am not quite sure what Taco Bell food is. Maybe that can be called American-Mexican food? ...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Visas H-1B para profesionales y modelos para USA
Visas H-1B para profesionales y modelos para USA Las visas H-1B permiten a profesionales y modelos trabajar en Estados Unidos. Son visados de doble intencià ³n, es decir, para obtenerlo no es necesario probar la intencià ³n de regresar al paà s de origen lo que permite ms fcilmente buscar un cambio hacia una tarjeta de residencia (green card) Quià ©nes pueden solicitar la visa H-1B Este tipo de visa beneficia a tres tipos de actividades laborales  Por un lado, los modelos que tengan una trayectoria profesional de reconocido prestigio. Su visa ser una H-1B3.Adems, pueden aplicar los profesionales como arquitectos, mà ©dicos, maestros etc. En otras palabras, cualquier persona con conocimientos especializados y estudios de tà tulo universitario o superiores debidamente validados. Si son aprobados, recibirn una H-1B. Dependiendo de los estados, debern obtener una licencia profesional en su actividad para poder trabajar.Por à ºltimo, las personas con un tà tulo universitario equivalente al Bachelor ´s Degree pueden obtener una H-1B2 para desarrollar e investigar proyectos coordinados por el Departamento de Defensa. Patrocinio para una visa H-1B El proceso se inicia cuando una empresa est dispuesta a contratar a un extranjero. Entre la documentacià ³n que debe aportar destaca la Aplicacià ³n de Condicià ³n Laboral (LCA, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). La finalidad es evitar que extranjeros desempeà ±en trabajos para los que hay estadounidenses o residentes permanentes disponibles. Se aplica ante el Departamento del Trabajo. Para obtener la LCA, el empleador debe comunicar a los representantes de los trabajadores la intencià ³n de contratar a un extranjero. Si no hubiera representante sindical, debe anunciarlo dentro de la empresa. Las compaà ±Ãƒ as con ms de 50 trabajadores de los que un 15 por ciento tiene una H-1B deber publicar la existencia de la vacante. Para asegurarse de que la contratacià ³n de un extranjero no es ms barata que la de un ciudadano, la empresa debe garantizar al extranjero un salario y beneficios iguales al que ya paga a empleados similares. La à ºnica excepcià ³n a la certificacià ³n laboral es para la H-1B2. Una vez conseguida la LCA, tiene que enviarse junto con un formulario I-129 al USCIS. Si se aprueba, si la persona que va a recibir la visa se encuentra en el extranjero debe solicitar que se le emita a la Embajada correspondiente. Si se encuentra ya en EU puede comenzar a trabajar, pero la primera vez que salga del paà s deber ir a la Embajada estadounidense para tener la visa estampada en su pasaporte. Esto muy importante para poder volver entrar a Estados Unidos. Là mite de visas H-1B que se aprueban anualmente Cada aà ±o fiscal, que en Estados Unidos comienza el 1 de octubre de cada aà ±o natural, se conceden hasta un mximo de 65,000 H-1B. Una vez que se emite ese nà ºmero, no se concedern ms hasta el siguiente aà ±o fiscal. No estn limitados por ese cupo anual: 1. Los extranjeros que hayan estudiado una maestrà a o un doctorado en una universidad estadounidense. Para ellos hay un cupo adicional por aà ±o fiscal de 20,000 visas anuales. 2. Los profesionales cuyos empleadores sean centros de investigacià ³n sin fin de lucro o universidades. Para los ciudadanos de ciertos paà ses se reserva un nà ºmero de H-1B, como el caso de Chile con 1,400 visas. Cundo aplicar Esta informacià ³n sà ³lo es para los casos de visas sujetas a là mites anuales. Por lo tanto no aplica a los contratados por instituciones de educacià ³n o investigacià ³n. El resto de los solicitantes deben saber que cada cupo anual de visas comienza a emitirse a partir del uno de octubre de cada aà ±o, la solicitud puede ser presentada hasta seis meses antes: el 1 de abril. En los à ºltimos aà ±os,  el nà ºmero de aplicaciones es tan alto que se excede el là mite los primeros dà as de abril. Cuando asà sucede, se realiza una loterà a para ver quà © solicitudes son tramitadas. Quà © empresas pueden patrocinar una visa H-1B Cualquiera que cumpla los requisitos, desde las ms grades a las ms chicas. Y aunque es cierto que la mayorà a de esas visas se van al sector tecnolà ³gico, nada impide que se utilicen en otros campos. Por ejemplo, es muy frecuente que tambià ©n se dà © en Educacià ³n y en Sanidad. Para mejor hacerse una idea es recomendable consultar cules son las 100 empresas que ms H-1B patrocinan, para quà © sectores y cul es el salario medio que ofrecen a los patrocinados. Demora de los trmites para la visa En este artà culo se puede aprender a calcular las demoras para todo tipo de trmites migratorios. En el caso de la H-1B, para conocer los tiempos del PERM (DoL por sus siglas en inglà ©s), USICS y, finalmente, consulado. En la actualidad no se puede solicitar aplicacià ³n exprà ©s de la visa H-1B por decisià ³n del gobierno del presidente Donald Trump. Vigencia de la visa H-1B La H-1B se otorga por tres aà ±os que se pueden prorrogar hasta un total de seis y para los titulares de una H1-B2 hasta diez. Pero existen excepciones que permiten mantener la visa por ms tiempo: 1. Hasta tres extensiones de un aà ±o o una por tres aà ±os cuando el titular de la visa ha solicitado un cambio de estatus y ha presentado el formulario I-140 antes de cumplir su quinto aà ±o y est pendiente de una respuesta. 2. Una extensià ³n por tres aà ±os si el ajuste de estatus ha sido concedido pero se debe esperar a que haya cupo disponible. La disponibilidad puede tardar varios aà ±os y depende del paà s de origen del solicitante y de la categorà a por la que pide el cambio de estatus. Coste de la visa H-1B Varà a entre $1,000 y $5,000, dependiendo del tipo de empresa que solicita la visa, si se utiliza abogado. Generalmente paga la empresa pero se conocen casos en los que paga el trabajador. Estas son las tarifas promedio de que cobran los abogados de inmigracià ³n. Vida en EU con una H-1B Para conservar la H-1B el titular debe trabajar sà ³lo para el empresario que ha patrocinado su visa. Se pagan impuestos. El rà ©gimen fiscal puede ser complejo ya que se puede tener un estatus fiscal de extranjero residente o de extranjero no residente por lo que es frecuente recurrir a un fiscalista experto. En todas las nà ³minas se deducen cantidades para Medicare y Seguridad Social. Si el extranjero trabaja ms de diez aà ±os en EU tendr derecho a beneficiarse de esos pagos realizados a la Seguridad Social. Si trabaja menos, dependiendo si su paà s tiene o no un tratado bilateral con USA, podr contabilizar los aà ±os cotizados aquà . El cà ³nyuge y los hijos solteros menores de 21 aà ±os pueden vivir en USA con una visa H-4. Si los nià ±os estn estudiando la primaria o la secundaria es recomendable familiarizarse antes de llegar a Estados Unidos con las particularidades del sistema educativo, para asà tomar la mejor decisià ³n sobre quà © tipo de escuela elegir para los muchachos. Como regla general los esposos con H-4 no pueden trabajar, con dos excepciones que aplican desde mayor de 2015. Por à ºltimo, se deber comunicar al USCIS el cambio de domicilio en los diez dà as siguientes a producirse. Cambio de estatus, transfer, dimisià ³n, despido y caducidad Puede solicitarse un cambio de estatus para obtener una tarjeta de residencia permanente. Tambià ©n puede cambiar su visa a otra diferente, como por ejemplo, a una visa de estudiante. Tambià ©n se puede pedir un transfer a otra empresa, que tiene que ser aprobado. Si el trabajador dimite, su visa pierde vigencia y debe salir del paà s. Si es despedido, la empresa debe pagar por los gastos de repatriacià ³n. La salida debe ser inmediata. A veces no es posible, pero para no arriesgarse a quedarse como indocumentado se recomienda solicitar una visa de visitante y asà se cuenta con hasta un mximo de 120 dà as, mientras la nueva visa se tramita, para prepararse para regresar al paà s de origen sin perder el estatus de legal. Para mayor informacià ³n consultar este artà culo para saber cundo es posible ingresar a Estados Unidos con una visa de esta categorà a y cul es el periodo de gracia, una vez que finaliza el empleo. Creacià ³n de una empresa y la H-1B En principio es posible fundar una empresa en USA y que la compaà ±Ãƒ a patrocine con una H-1B a su propietario. Sin embargo, debido a las condiciones de la visa, entre otras, el salario alto que se debe de pagar a los patrocinados, es una opcià ³n complicada y en la que siempre conviene contar con el asesoramiento de un buen abogado de inmigracià ³n. De hecho, estas son otras 8 opciones para obtener una visa y fundar una empresa en EEUU. Alternativa a la H-1B para profesionales mexicanos Mexicanos y canadienses pueden aplicar por la visa TN. Estas son las ms de 60 profesiones que permiten calificar. Te puede interesar Estas son las 30 profesiones que tendrn un mayor crecimiento en la demanda de empleo hasta el aà ±o 2022,  segà ºn el Departamento de Trabajo y tambià ©n un comparativo salarial de 18 profesiones en 8 paà ses. Y es que no para todas las profesiones es Estados Unidos el mejor paà s para trabajar. Este es un artà culo informativo. No es asesorà a legal.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The Federal Reserve Bank Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
The Federal Reserve Bank - Research Paper Example Somewhat more than ten years after its opening, nonetheless, the new bank came into the line of sight of Andrew Jackson, who attempted to slaughter it after he was chosen president in 1828. After the second bank collapsed, state-sanctioned and uncharted â€Å"public banks†flourished. These banks issued their own notes, redeemable in gold or silver. Given that the National Banking Act, passed in 1863, attempted to provide a measure of cash strength, bank runs and money related frenzies stayed necessary into the mid-twentieth century. This was an episode of theory on Wall Street that bottomed out in 1907 (Paul, 1996). The advanced Fed follows its establishing to President Wilson, who came up with a group of counsels that created the proposition which eventually turned into the Federal Reserve Act, passed by Congress in 1913. The seven unique individuals from the FRB sit for a gathering representation, soon after being confirmed. They incorporate the first Chairman of the Federal Reserve, Charles Hamlin, and President Wilsons Treasury Secretary W.G. McAdoo. Today, the designated individuals from the board serve for staggering fourteen-year terms. Regardless of the chief aims of the Federal Reserve Act, hypothesis on Wall Street proceeded at a pace, prompting a crash in October of 1929. Researchers have proposed that the monstrous money related emergency that followed was exacerbated by the unwillingness of Fed to infuse more cash into the economy. To some degree due to this, almost 10,000 banks fizzled between 1930 and 1933 (Paul, 1996). Because of the emergency, Congress passed the Banking Act of 1933, otherwise called the Glass-Steagall Act that required the separation of business and investment; obliged the utilization of government securities as security for Federal Reserve notes. This led to the con struction of the Federal
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Picasso's Les Demoiselles DAvignon and de Kooning's Woman Essay
Picasso's Les Demoiselles DAvignon and de Kooning's Woman - Essay Example The title refers to the so-called Maisons D`Avignon, â€Å"the houses of pleasure in Avignon Street in Barcelona†. The painting nevertheless faced rejection from his close friends and family, because of its nakedness and carnality. This art was a good example of the African influence on modern European art. Many art historians have noticed the striking resemblance between certain African mask style and the mask-like faces of the five women. African art was used in this context, either as visual evidence for the spread of cultural traits from innovative centers, or as evidence for the social evolution of cultures; from groups which were capable of natural representation, to those which had presumably graduated to the mastery of geometric stylization and abstract forms.Picasso had found a source for a new, non-naturalistic way of representing the world and it blocks the real features of a woman. In this art, a woman is a significant symbol; Picasso represents her as a desecrated icon already torn into bits, and reveals more of rock foundation of sexiest anti-human and celebrates the control of a woman by man.Willem De Kooning was a painter and sculptor of Dutch birth. He was a leading figure in the abstract expression. His work is characterized by an â€Å"inherent stylelessness, resulting from the constant parallel exploration of divergent themes and techniques†(Marter 44). For two years, he worked on his art the woman 1 (1950-52, in New York), â€Å"an image which has become a totem and icon of the times†.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
The Statement For Goals For BSPN Essay Example for Free
The Statement For Goals For BSPN Essay The health of a nation is its wealth. Any country that would increase tremendously in its gross national and domestic product understands the importance of health, and as such devotes huge sum of money to maintain the health of her citizens. Training health workers and engaging in public health campaigns are also part of the agenda: many a people contact infectious diseases and others are exposed to cardiac disorders because of the ignorance. As a result, these two diseases have created a double disease burden in many nations of the world including China. These make public health an indispensable tool for improved national health; thus my passion to make a contribution through this tool. Last year, an uncle was ill in the hospital of Mainland China. My parent and I went there to visit him. I was disappointed at that time because the environment status of the hospital was poor. More seriously, the public health standard of the city was not acceptable. People spit in the street. Air pollution is serious due to industrialization. There was no warning signal for smoking and its concomitant health hazards. Food production and distribution were not so properly controlled and adequately regulated. All such examples give me sprout a need in me, to study in this direction so that I can make an impact. This is why I begin to become interested in public health. One of my father’s friends has run the business of â€Å"Hospital Management†in St. Louis, Missouri. They always talk about health care topics such as how to plan for emergence rescue of the society, how to establish measures against infectious diseases, and how to position hospitals within the society. Especially, as the number of old people increase daily, there will be high demand for health care provision for the aged. It is through this simple route I gathered some basic features of the public health. I do not have direct experience in the field of public health. However, the SARS effect in Hong Kong provides me the unforgettable memories. From that event, I understand how the public hospitals were badly designed and built. Surprisingly, the ventilation system in hospitals is one of the clauses for SARS. Besides, there were no segregation patient wards. On the other hand, the doctors and nurses tried their best to save peoples’ lives. Finally, we won the battles against SARS. Such doctors and nurses are respectable. Since then, I have deep interest in studying public health and joined my school activities to improve its health condition .These include how to teach classmate to wash their hands and design pamphlets how to promote hygienic environment. I have learnt to use the simple knowledge I have about environmental health to impact my school, and the area I reside. Still, I need to know more so that the influence can be exact. The area of Public health is very broad. I am quite enthusiastic in Old aged Community Management and Hospital Management fields. The need for aged facilities rises daily; this necessitates provision of competent services for them. Members of the community need also become aware of this trend so that concerted efforts can be directed at achieving the goal of improved health conditions within and outside the hospitals. It is equally important to make sure that the health facilities meet basic standard that can adequately curtail nosocomial infections; primary health care services should also be available in the community. Recreational facilities should be provided. Ambulances should also be ready for emergence rescue. In case of joining the BSPH program, I hope to make use of the Management Theories in the Public Health Field. These include hardware management such as design and layouts of hospitals, location of hospitals, cost and benefit analysis and budgeting. For software, it is mainly in dealing with human recourses management such as directing, coordinating, motivating, creating, training and cost planning. Having finished the studying, I may join the public health sector, maybe as a civil servant or professional advisor to promote public health standard. In particular, it is one of my goals and career to bring such advanced knowledge into the under-developed or poor countries such as China, India or Africa to improve their public health conditions.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Robinson Jeffers Essay -- essays research papers
The Nature of Man by Robinson Jeffers Robinson Jeffers is one of the twentieth centuries most important and controversial poets. He, like others in history, has tried to give his opinion about life. Many poets in the twentieth century focused on issues affecting mankind, Jeffers is no exception. Most of his work was inspired by his surroundings. One’s environment is great source for poetic inspiration. Poets come and go, but their ideas are kept alive through their poems. Whether they are a hundred or ten years old, these poems hold ideas in them which are still interesting now as they were back then. It seems that poets are always passionate about their work. They should be, since it expresses who they are and what they believe in through writing. One tends to write about what one knows or feels one might know. Feelings control our mind and our mind controls our actions. How we feel can be determined by external forces. Sometimes, one lets emotions run wild which can cause our work to be accepted or rejected by o thers.      One must not worry about writing something which might cause a brush off by society. However, writings such as these can create a cold shoulder for one’s future work. Then again, poetry is used to express oneself. Society will only encourage radical behavior to continue and who knows, one’s ideas might generate a fan base. A poet cannot please everyone. There are some emotions which will be seen as pleasant ideas and some which will seem disrespectful. Poetry, that is controversial, seems to captivate an audience and it accomplishes one’s lofty goals. One’s courageous work commands respect, whether the reader agrees with the ideas or not. Poems are intended to force the audience to see one’s views. Though the reader’s views often contradict your own, the most important part is to make them consider new ideas and better understand the issues. Although, many of issues will never be understood.      Poets often tend to write openly about this. Man is involved with everything in this world. Mankind as a whole has progressed in knowledge and technology. In other areas, on the other hand, it has stayed the same or has gotten worst. Poets for centuries have written about man. Few, have written using facts. Yet more have written using their opinions. Thousands of books have been written about... ...rica’s intervention. â€Å"The squid, frightened and angry, shoots darkness out of her ink sac; the fighting destroyer throws out a smoke screen, and fighting governments produce lies.†Jeffers kept pushing his views of man stating that our race began to think as an adult does, rather than an egocentric baby. He also believed that man controlled the keys of unearthly violence. Claiming that Earth is too small to feed us and we must have room. Also, Jeffers was once quoted saying, â€Å"We use to be individuals, not populations. Breeding like rabbits, we hasten to meet the day.†(Birth and Death) In later poems, he began to wonder what was the best life for a man. Jeffers came to the conclusion that man should have never been born and the next best was to die young. (The Silent Shepherd) As his reputation fell, Jeffers began less on man. Jeffers expressed his contempt for human society, which he regarded as doomed by its own violence and depravity. With his unc ompromising reverence for nonhuman values and his World War II isolationism, Jeffers fell out of favor with the public. Even though still outspoken after the war, newly created patriotism in America did nothing but anger many Americans.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Alien Rhyming Poem Essay
I’ll even do the rhyming thing, I guess. Firstly, I should tell you of our species But keep in mind, we’re very different beings Our social status is decided by blood. Some were brightly colored, others were like mud. Not of whom we are from descended from, We had no family, no dad, or mum. We are assigned a caretaker from birth, Not of Troll descent, for what it’s worth. They’re assigned an animal, called a lusus, I, was a special case. One that caused a fuss. I had candy red blood. I was a mutant. And most trolls, considered me a pollutant. I was left for dead as a baby grub, It was quite an intentional snub. I would have died that first night, cold and lonesome, If it weren’t for one troll, who was wholesome. No troll had ever cared for a young one, Let alone raise it, was their son. She was an adult, in green attire, And the look on her face, made her seem quite dire. Despite her outwardly appearance She taught me the meaning of adherence. Our species is naturally hostile, And knowing this, made me feel quite vile. I despised all of my species needless strife, The type that nearly ended my life. The hierarchical system is cruel, Leaving it to chance if you serve or rule. The lowest color on the hemospectrum, Were the bronze-bloods, all of which were thought as scum They were lucky to live through their childhood, And they were blessed if they were understood. The second of blood colors was yellow, These poor souls were forced to live in the ghetto. And if they could not afford to live there, They were sold to slavery, and none would care. Up next was olive, jade, and then teal, And none of these were really a big deal. After that, cerulean and dark blue, These were the hardest to attend to. These classes were always struggling for power, It made their general tone, quite sour. The highest of the normal bloods was purple, And out of all of them, they were most verbal. Always making demands, but never amends, However, the aggrievance extends. They considered themselves royalty, Flaunting around all flamboyantly. Near the top, were the violet blooded, And they lived in places that were flooded. They had a mutation which gave them gills, And plenty of impractical frills. And at the top were those with blood like gold, And every single one of them was cold. They like the purple-bloods had gills and frills, But they would kill others just for thrills They ruled over our race with an iron fist, But only one at any time could exist. This made a cruel sort of monarchy One which plunged plunged the lowbloods into poverty. And if you spoke out against the crimes†¦ Well it was like stepping into a field of landmines. And if one was seen with my blood hue, They’d be allowed to kill me. Through, and through. Despite all this, she raised me as a child, And when I learned of this†¦ I think I smiled But that was the only blessing I was brought, For the rest of my life, I wish I forgot. I traveled the lands, preaching my ideal, I had set out on my quest with a great zeal. I sought to change the views of society, And change all of their impropriety. I taught the values of peace and love, Something that most were afraid to talk of. Not all were too fond of my teachings, They thought of it as annoying screeching. But eventually, I gathered a cult. One much to her majesty’s insult. She sent her best men to find and catch me, I on the other hand, did my best to flee. Eventually they caught me, my disciple too, But in some stroke of luck, the let her through. She went on, spreading word of my Lessons, I hope she went on, to teach her own sessions†¦ I, however was not treated so well, They locked me up in their deepest cell. They tortured me for what seemed like forever, They had no mercy for me whatsoever. I screamed with anger that pierced the skies All of my love, had said their goodbyes. The only thing left, was anger and hatred, And in time, all my teachings faded. I could not make a stand for peace and love, For those, my species are unworthy of. And now you know all of my suffering, And why my irons, are still burning. â€
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Candle Light Glass Menagerie
The Power of Light A Candle light is the most primitive of lights, but it serves a different purpose than illuminating a room in The Glass Menagerie, written by Tennessee Williams. Williams uses the contrast between light and darkness to symbolize and emphasize the powerful moments that occur in the play. Although Williams uses these mechanics, the candle light of course has deeper meaning within the context of the story. Being the weakest of lights, the candle light is easily extinguished, but that small, weak light has some form of hope against the overbearing world.With Laura being as fragile, he candle symbolizes her hopes and dreams that are which snuffed out from society. Throughout the play, Williams also uses candle light imagery to describe Laura and her emotions. The candle light represents hope and how it is lost, but the character who demonstrates this most is Laura. Light, in any form, brings some form of happiness to people. Laura demonstrates her happiness when she sha res a tender moment with Jim. Being reclusive and removing herself from society, Laura is unable to interact with people, but only on certain circumstances when â€Å"light†illuminates through her.This â€Å"light†that is being referred to is the inner hope that Laura has. She desperately wants to guard this hope though, in fear of it being extinguished. This is very apparent when Laura says, â€Å"Oh be careful – if you breathe, it breaks! †(Williams 1281). Laura is referring to her glass unicorn, which also represents her, but any form of power like a breath could possibly break the unicorn which refers to her own candle light of hope. Laura desires Jim and hopes that his feelings for her remain true.As Jim continues to enlighten Laura, she announces, â€Å"l trust you with him! Hold him over the light, he oves the light! You see how the light shines through him? †(Williams 1281) Laura's hope is continuing to grow as she suggests Jim to take hold of her unicorn. With the unicorn representing her, and the light illuminating through the unicorn, Laura has officially given herself and her hope into Jim. After he admits that he is to be married, the hope that is inside Laura is extinguished.At the end of the play, Tom speaks solely to his sister, and tells her to â€Å"Blow out [her] candles†(Williams 1289). Tom means that there is no hope left for Laura, and she will be stuck with herself for the est of her life. Wanting to find new things in life, Tom has decided to leave, and realizes that with him leaving Laura has no chance to find another â€Å"gentleman caller†and so her lights of hope are extinguished. The author uses light and darkness to symbolize and to emphasize the dramatic moments of the play.The desperation and highly charged emotions in this play are linked to the symbolism of the light getting dim or going dark Just like the status of the unstable Wingfields. The candles are a way for the au dience to understand that soon all wlll go aarK. Easlly Dlown out, tne candles prov10e a very temporary moment of light, when Laura shares a tender moment with Jim, before her hopes and dreams are extinguished. There are several ways of looking at the candles. First, they establish a more muted tone – you might even call it romantic.That less harsh light perhaps allows Laura to be more open with Jim; it gives her courage. That might lead to an interpretation that the candles symbolize hope. Hope that Laura might be able to connect with Jim, hope that Amanda's dream of a Gentleman Caller providing a uture for Laura, hope that if Laura is taken care of, Tom will be able to strike out on his own and leave the shoe warehouse, etc. It makes Tom's final line more heart- breaking – â€Å"blow out your candles, Laura. There is ultimately no hope for this socially and physically (at least in her mind) handicapped young woman. There is no place in our society for such a misfit. the last scene of the play, Tom tells Laura to blow our her candles, and here the candles symbolizes Laura and her familys hope. This can be seen by how it makes contrast with the world lit by lightning, and how he author uses candlelight to describe Laura. First of all, the candlelight stands in contrast to a world lit by lightning in Tom's final words.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on the Healthcare Industry
Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on the Healthcare Industry The global financial crisis threatened to lead to the total breakdown of the global economy. Despite originating from the US subprime market, the global financial crisis affected all sectors of the economy. The sectors affected by the global financial crisis ranged from banking, insurance to tourism.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on the Healthcare Industry specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The global financial crisis had an adverse effect on the healthcare industry. The global financial crisis reduced the funding of that the healthcare facilities received from the government. Lack of funding made hospitals suspend their expansion plans. The global financial crisis reduced people’s income. This reduced the ability of people to access quality healthcare. This is because they could not afford quality healthcare, which is expensive. The global financial crisis reduced investm ents in the healthcare industry. Many hospitals delayed their expansion plans during the financial crisis due to lack of funds. Some of the worst affected projects included the expansion of wards and purchase of new diagnostic equipment. The hospitals put on hold projects that would have improved the quality of healthcare. In addition, there was a hiring freeze in most hospitals during the global financial crisis. Therefore, the global financial crisis had a negative effect on the quality of healthcare. During the financial crisis, there was a significant decline in the number of patients of were admitted in various hospitals. This is because the patients did not have enough funds to seek medical treatment. Patients postponed seeking medical treatment for non-fatal ailments or resorted to cheaper healthcare alternatives. This reduced the income of healthcare facilities that focused on treatment of non-fatal ailments. During the financial crisis, most hospitals experienced a sharp hi ke in bad debts. This is because patients could not afford to pay hospital bills despite the fact that they required medical care. Medical facilities have investment portfolios that complement their income. During the global financial income, the financial markets were performing poorly. Therefore, this reduced the income of the healthcare facilities. The government, individuals, and employers are the principal financiers of healthcare. Most countries have various government-funded medical schemes that finance healthcare. Lack of funds during the global financial crisis necessitated the government to introduce budget cuts. Budget cuts had a negative impact on government-funded healthcare schemes. Companies depend on the availability of revenue to finance employee healthcare schemes. The global financial crisis reduced the revenue of most employers. This reduced the ability of employers to fund various healthcare schemes. Individuals also have private healthcare insurance schemes. Ho wever, the global financial crisis led to a significant reduction in the income of various people. This made it difficult for individuals to purchase healthcare insurance policies.Advertising Looking for essay on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The global financial crisis had a negative effect on the individual health of various people. People postponed seeking healthcare services for non-fatal conditions. People depended on the public healthcare system. This increased the pressure that the public healthcare system faced. This is despite the fact that the global financial crisis reduced the availability of funds to finance various public healthcare schemes. In addition, the global financial crisis reduced the health status of individuals. Home foreclosures and other financial problems had a negative effect on the mental and psychological health of various people. The importance of healthcare in a na tion’s well-being necessitated most governments to limit budget cuts on healthcare provision. Most governments strived to ensure that lack of funds during the financial crisis does not lead to deterioration of the health status of people.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Women Celebrities of World War II
Women Celebrities of World War II With the 20th centurys movie industry making many women (and men) into well-known celebrities, and the star system extended into other fields such as sports as well, it was only natural that some stars would find ways to use their celebrity to support the war effort. The Axis Actress In Germany, Hitler used propaganda to support his war effort. Actress, dancer, and photographer Leni Riefenstahl made documentary films for the Nazi Party during the 1930s and Hitlers consolidation of power. She escaped punishment after the war after a court found that she was not herself a Nazi party member. Acting Allies In America, films and plays promoting participation in the war and anti-Nazi films and plays were also part of the overall war effort. Women actresses played in many of these. Women also wrote some of them: Lillian Hellmans 1941 play, The Rhine, warned of the rise of the Nazis. Entertainer Josephine Baker worked with the French Resistance and entertained troops in Africa and the Middle East. Alice Marble, a tennis star, secretly married an intelligence operative and when he died, was convinced to spy on a former lover, a Swiss banker, suspected of having records of Nazi finances. She found such information and was shot in the back, but escaped and recovered. Her story was told only after her death in 1990. Carole Lombard made her final film as a satire about the Nazis and died in a plane crash after attending a war bond rally. President Franklin D. Roosevelt declared her the first woman to die in the line of duty in the war. Her new husband, Clark Gable, enlisted in the Air Force after her death. A ship was named in Lombards honor. Perhaps the most famous pin-up poster in World War II showed Betty Grable in a swimsuit from the back, looking over her shoulder. The Varga Girls, drawn by Alberto Vargas, were also popular, as were photos of Veronica Lake, Jane Russell, and Lane Turner. Fundraising In New Yorks theater world, Rachel Crothers started the Stage Womens War Relief. Others who helped to raise funds for war relief and the war effort included Tallulah Bankhead, Bette Davis, Lynn Fontaine, Helen Hayes, Katharine Hepburn, Hedy Lamarr, Gypsy Rose Lee, Ethel Merman, and the Andrews Sisters. Giving Back To the Troops The USO Tours or Camp Shows which entertained troops in the US and overseas drew many women entertainers, too. Rita Hayworth, Betty Grable, the Andrews Sisters, Ann Miller, Martha Raye, Marlene Dietrich, and many lesser-knowns were ​a welcome relief for the soldiers. Several all-girl bands and orchestras toured, including the International Sweethearts of Rhythm, one of the rare racially-mixed groups.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Online Gambling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Online Gambling - Essay Example In Australia, gaming machine gambling turnover is a major one across all the gambling forms; the turnover is around $ 107,924 million. The essay aims to provide an insight into the internet gambling in Australia with a discussion of its advantages and disadvantages. This essay starts with an introduction to the Australian online gambling industry. A conclusion has been inferred from the analysis part. Online Gambling in Australia: The roots of the same Ever since the first European settlers had arrived on shore, gambling has become an inherent part of Australian culture. British influence has given considerable contribution to give gambling a firm ground for its establishment and enlargement. Quickly it became significantly popular form of entertainment in Australia. In the 1980’s, in Australia, gambling was present in a number of organised forms. So, it was quite natural that Australia would emerge as one of those first countries who would get their hands on these newly intro duced technologies, allowing them to get indulge into internet gambling. On 8th April, 1999, Australia became the first country across the globe to legalize the online gambling. â€Å"Not only was Australia the first country to legalize online gambling under a fully regulated jurisdiction, but Lasseters Online is also the world's first internet casino to be operated by a land-based casino, situated in the Northern Territory†(Online Casino Archives, 2008). Lasseters had its belief in the online gaming industry. From day one, the company realised the prospectus of the international gambling. Even before other Australian states, it has opened its doors to the international customers. The Australian government swiftly appreciated the potential market success... The public and legal gambling history of Australia began in the early period of nineteenth century. The history started off with gambling on horse racing. In the year 1810, the first publicly organised race meeting was held in New South Wales. In the year 1861, the Melbourne cup, a globally recognised race, was first introduced in Victoria. In the early twentieth century, lotteries were introduced. In the year 1920, the Golden casket lottery was established by the Queensland Government. The very first regulated online casino started off in the year 1999. Since the 1990s, the expansion of gambling has experienced a considerable growth; this has been true for Australia and several other countries. At this time, the electronic gaming machines had been introduced in the hotels and casinos across Australia. In the year 1956, these were introduced in the Australian clubs. At the first stage, gaming machines were not originally introduced in the hotels as these do not have the same communit y focus or the same types of community engagements as the Australian clubs. For the clubs the gambling was the most significant activity to earn revenue while in hotels and casinos the trend was to serve beer and other alcohol. In this new era, the gaming machines have developed a lot to introduce a highly sophisticated computer programmed machines. The modern and technically enhanced gaming machines can be programmed to offer small wins to maintain the excitement.This also helps the participants to be hopeful of large wins. Presently, Australia seems to be one of the most attractive online gambling location in entire Oceania as the country got several licensed internet gambling sites. Gambling has a very long history. Since the inception, gambling has emerged as a controversial issue.
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Case study on intellectual property right Essay
Case study on intellectual property right - Essay Example In a context of intellectual property rights, perhaps most common are copyrights and patents. Both are designed to protect those who had invested their talents in producing their works and allow for a reasonable financial return for their efforts within a certain time frame, after which the right or patent will expire and become a common good subject to the commerce of man. The advent of new technologies has made it imperative for all the producers of values embedded in intellectual capital and knowledge-based assets to assert their rights and protect these assets. The convergence of electronics consumer products, the rise of Internet usage and the digitization of most communications technology has made it quite easy to copy anything. A precedent case was filed by the music group Metallica against the founder and those who had availed of the file-sharing services of Napster software as a copyright infringement. Intellectual property right pertains to a right that gives a producer (ei ther author, artist, composer, inventor or publisher) the exclusive right to produce and distribute expressive work and this expressive work must be reproducible in some tangible form (means it can be copied) on some material like paper, tapes, films, clay or computer disks. It must be substantially new and lastly, only expressive works can be protected but not the original ideas behind it. Discussion Most business organizations would immediately patent any invention by an employee as a strategic and economic policy to enhance their competitiveness within their industry and further protect themselves from imitations (Andersen 148). There are various country, federal and state laws regarding who owns the rights to an invention (as an example here) discovered or made by an employee. Generally speaking, it is the employer who has the right to patent an invention by virtue of an employment contract with the employee, who in exchange for wages or a monthly salary, is willing to cede the rights and ownership of such inventions in favour of the company he works for. The new invention is therefore the property of the old employer. It is not absolute, however. There is usually a clause in such employment contracts termed as a â€Å"trailing obligation clause†in which a previous employer has the rights to such an invention or innovation for up to between six to twelve months only after the end of employment. If the company does not show interest in said invention, then the employee owns the rights. The employer organisation has the option of either patenting the invention or not. It is up to the company to decide on this matter since other issues might negate the necessity of the patent application. Reasons could include the conclusion that the invention is not patentable or there is a high cost in detecting and pursuing patent infringements (Davis 148). A primary responsibility of the employer is to explore all possible options regarding the commercial and tech nical viability of the invention or innovation. This is especially true in large firms which have big departments devoted to technical research and product development. This means the employer can choose to revise the invention or pursue further technical work and research that will improve the invention and remedy its flaws. The firm cannot hope to market an invention that is flawed as it will destroy its good reputation and brand name; it will further subject it to possible consumer suits if the buyer of
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Descriptive Statistics (SLP) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Descriptive Statistics (SLP) - Essay Example (2012) Pilot Study of Internet-Based Early Intervention for Combat-Related Mental Distress, and relate them to the writer’s study. From the research, the writer noted that the researchers used statistical diversion and measures of central tendency explain their findings. Measurements of central tendency are statistical measures that categorize single values as descriptive of an entire allotment (Gravetter FJ, Wallnau, 2000). They submit to the hypothesis that there is one figure that best sums up the complete collection of measurement. The main function of central tendency is to provide accurate descriptions of sets of data and is mainly displayed as median, mean or mode. According to Sundaram et al. (2010), a large amount of people use mean because of its mathematical qualities, and is paramount for data distributed across ranges. A summary conducted to guide this study reveal that in their research, Van Voorhees and his colleagues used mean of 2 to explain participant’s completion of internet-based lessons. This means that the numerical digit 2 represented the number of lessons attended by each member of the sampled data. The mean is a representative of the average number representing a whole sample. It is the computation of all measurement s, divided by the number it represents. Similarly, I can use measurements of central tendencies to test my hypothesis by calculating the mean of participants who would likely to seek medical healthcare. Statistical dispersion observes fundamental variations in a continuing phenomenon. This method differentiates between inter-individual variables and operates in tests taken under different conditions and times, or whose subjects display diverse characteristics (Dawson &Trapp, 2004). Dispersion mostly refers to the notion that another number explains the extensiveness of all measurements from the central number. Statistical dispersion is present in nominal or
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Effect of North Korea on Peace and Security
Effect of North Korea on Peace and Security North Korea and North East Asian Peace and Security Current security issues in North East Asia, raised by North Korea Nuclear Test. Please examine how far North Korea can affect the peace and stability in Northeast Asia and how other countries such as America, Japan, China, and Russia react on this issue. And lastly, How to solve this security issues permanently and increases future stability in the area? Contents (Jump to) Abstract Introduction Chapter One North Korean defence and foreign policy misrepresented or a threat to peace and security? Chapter Two – Containing the North Korean threat to peace and security in the North East Asia Region Conclusions Bibliography Abstract The following dissertation will discuss and evaluate North Korea’s influence and effect upon peace and security within the North East Asia region. This dissertation will evaluate North Korea’s relationships with other countries in the North East Asia region such as South Korea, Japan, and China. Countries from outside the immediate North East Asia region like the United States, Russia (as the largest successor state of the Soviet Union) and to a lesser extent Britain and France also have an interest in the North East Asia Region. All these countries have an interest in preventing the proliferation of nuclear weapons and nuclear tests. For instance these countries must consider how the actions or the potential actions of the North Korean government are able to influence or effect peace and security within the North East Asia region. Non-governmental organisations like the United Nations and the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN), as well as the International Atomic Energy Authority (IAEA) have taken a great deal of interest in how North Korea effects the peace and security of its immediately neighbouring countries. These organisations are taking North Korea’s nuclear programme as well as its ballistic missile capacity into account when they regard the North Korean threat to peace and security going beyond the confines of the North East Asia region itself. This dissertation will evaluate the development and changes in North Korean government policies that have influenced and arguably threatened peace and security of the North East Asia region from Korea’s initial division at the end of the Second World War through to the present day. North Korea has been regarded as a threat to the peace and security of the North East Asia region ever since Pyongyang’s decision to invade South Korea provoked the Korean War of 1950 to 1953. The Korean War as will be discussed set the mould for North Korean defence and foreign policies, whilst ensuring the importance of the relationship with China and Russia. The North Korean regime, as will be shown, has been very reluctant to embrace and adopt any kind of economic or political reforms, preferring to use its scant resources on maintaining and expanding its military capacity. It is also continuing its nuclear weapons programme, long drawn talks having yet to result in effective nuclear disa rmament, and thus undermining peace and security within the North East Asia region, and when issues of nuclear proliferation are concerned outside that region. Finally the following will explore whether there are any ways in which North Korea can finally become a country that its neighbours in the North East Asia region could trust and believe will not threaten their common peace and stability rather than a country that they mistrust. The United Nations is an organisation that could offer the North Korean assistance to overcome its failed economy in return for the ending of North Korea’s nuclear programme and potentially aggressive foreign policy. The main onus for international efforts to contain North Korean nuclear weapons development has been by the United States, China, Japan, Russia, and South Korea. The prospects for the international community being able to monitor and eventually close down North Korea’s nuclear weapons programme, dismantling any weapons already constructed will also be discussed and evaluated. Introduction Korea has a long history of being a definable and separate nation state, although it was for many centuries subject to Chinese and later Japanese control (Lenman, 2004, p.450). Japanese control of Korea was ended by its defeat in the Second World War, which would inadvertently lead to the partition of Korea (Whitaker’s, 2007, p.892). The division of Korea was caused by the way that the Allied powers liberated the country from Japanese occupation, United States troops cleared the south, with the Soviet Union being responsible for clearing the north. This was intended to be a temporary division along the 38th parallel that would provoke the hottest conflict of the Cold War, as well as creating a dispute that continues to destabilise the peace and the security of the North East Asia region. As with the division of Vietnam the division was purely carried out as a reflection of the distribution of American and Soviet armed forces at the time of the Japanese surrender in September 1 945 (Gaddis, 2005, p.41). It was Kim Il Sung who had previously fought the Japanese for many years that emerged as North Korea’s first political leader, and he would be the man most responsible for his country’s attempt to re-unite Korea by force. Kim Il Sung was also responsible for North Korea’s subsequently militant defence and foreign policies that has remained stridently anti-Western, militaristic, and potentially aggressive towards its immediate neighbours in the North East Asia region ever since. It was Kim Il Sung that decided to re-unite Korea by force, after his realisation that diplomacy would not bring about such a re-unification led to the plan to invade South Korea, although he seems to have pre-empted similar plans that the South Koreans had hoped to implement. Kim Il Sung went ahead with that invasion with the approval of the Soviet Union and China, and the apparent indifference of the United States, which had already withdrawn its military garrisons from South Korea durin g 1949. However, the North Korean invasion which, was launched in June 1950 persuaded the United States to lead the United Nation’s forces into defending South Korea and driving the North Koreans back across the 38th parallel. The United States had been able to take advantage of the Soviet Union’s representative not been at the United Nations due to the Soviet decision to boycott the organisation due to Communist China being excluded from the Security Council (Evans Newnham, 1998, p. 293). The United States decision to intervene in the Korean War started its long -standing military alliance with South Korea to guarantee South Korean security from the continued threat of North Korean aggression. The Korean War itself would drag on for three years with the North Koreans having to rely on large-scale Chinese military intervention and covert air support from the Soviet Union. North Korea only survived after the American led United Nations forces had captured the majority of North Korean territory due to Mao Zedong sending in the Chinese army. The conflict could have escalated, due to the involvement of Soviet aircraft that could have provoked a war between the superpowers yet both Moscow and Washington did not want an all out war to start due to the Korean War (Hobsbawm, 1994 p. 228). After the Korean War the prospects for Korean re-unification seemed to be remote, with the two Korean states being integrated into the alliance systems of the Soviet Union and the United States respectively. North Korea was therefore firmly in the communist camp, and initially enjoyed strong and productive political, economic and military relationships with both China and the Soviet Union. South Korea was a willing member of the United States alliance system and received substantial monetary and military backing from the United States, and later significant economic investment from Japan that would make it wealthier than North Korea. The United States government was not bothered by the Seoul’s regime lack of democratic practices just as long as it remained fervently anti-Communist (Hobsbawm, 1994 p. 228). Kim Il Sung’s North Korean regime was in contrast avowedly Marxist-Leninist in ideological outlook, whilst trying to create a strong sense of North Korean nationalism that was decidedly anti-American and increasingly isolationist in perspective (Heywood, 2003 p. 179). The Korean War meant that neighbouring countries such as South Korea, Japan, and China kept an interest in political and diplomatic developments that involved North Korea, the former as potential enemies, the latter originally as an ally. The balance of power during the Cold War meant that North Korea could only pose a threat to the peace and security of the North East Asia region if that suited the Soviet Union, and to a lesser extent China. The Kremlin to a large extent kept the regime in Pyongyang in check, not wishing to provoke further conflict, and realising that the United States would not tolerate North Korea attempting to invade South Korea again, or indeed developing its own nuclear weapons. On the other hand the Soviet Union exported missile and nuclear technologies to North Korea as part of its military and economic aid packages to the Pyongyang regime (Gaddis, 2005 p. 6 0). The fighting during the Korean War was heavy, the agricultural sector being particularly adversely affected, and the war had devastated North Korea’s economy. American bombing had also heavily damaged the North Korean capital city, Pyongyang. The number of North Korean fatalities, 419,000 was testimony to the high human costs of the conflict, with around 3 million people dying during its course (Castleden, 2005, p.299). The scale of destruction did not prevent a strong economic revival and rapid industrialisation, although most of those improvements were brought about by considerable amounts of help from China and the Soviet Union (Castleden, 2005, p.300). Large-scale industrialisation in North Korea would therefore have undoubtedly been much harder to achieve without that substantial aid that North Korea received from China and the Soviet Union. The Soviet decision to export nuclear technology to North Korea, for the non-military use of generating electricity would later allo w Pyongyang the opportunity to start its own nuclear weapons programme. That would have been unthinkable at the height of the Cold War, as neither the Soviet Union nor the United States would allow any of their satellite states to disturb the nuclear power balance between them. However, once the North Korean regime believed that the Soviet Union and China would no longer offer North Korea any meaningful kind or level of protection that is indeed precisely what the North Korean regime decided to do (Lenman, 2004, p.451). North Korea would continue to operate a planned economy even though that would eventually fail to adequately support its military build up and its civilian population. The North Korean government opted to keep its military infrastructure expanding rather than attempt economic reforms or adequately providing for its people (Heywood, 2003 p.137). The Soviet Union would have certainly disapproved of North Korean plans to develop its own nuclear weapons, yet the Soviet U nion’s influence upon North Korean military and defence policies had waned long before its own disintegration in 1991 (Gaddis, 2005, p.264). North Korea arguably became a threat to the peace and stability of the North East Asia region due to the nature and character of its hard line Stalinist regime. Kim Il Sung was a Marxist dictator in the mode of Joseph Stalin and Mao Zedong. However for the majority of the Cold War period the North Korean threat was seen to be much less pronounced to the non-communist parts of the North East Asia region than the more obvious threats of the Soviet Union and China (Gaddis, 2005, p.60). Kim Il Sung’s craving for power meant that North Korea dedicated and continues to dedicate a large percentage of its national budget and resources towards internal repression and building up its military strength to threaten the other countries of the North East Asia region. However, North Korea’s conventional weapons would not be enough to successfully invade South Korea whilst the United States continues to offer full protection against such attacks, even if their purchase had almost bankr upted the Pyongyang regime (Castleden, 2005, p.303). Despite the faltering of the North Korean economy in the last two decades or so, Pyongyang seems to be more interested in threatening South Korea and Japan with nuclear weapons and ballistic weapons than feeding its own population. Although North Korea should be wary of what happened to its erstwhile ally, the Soviet Union whose excessive and unsustainable military expenditure played a major part in its eventual collapse (Tipton, 1998, p.434). However, although the North Korean regime decided to start its nuclear weapons programme that decision violated North Korea’s formal and legal pledges not to proliferate its own nuclear weapons. North Korea had signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and had joined the IAEA, which meant that it was not supposed to start its own nuclear weapons programme at all (Evans Newnham, 1998 p. 68). For the North Koreans there were other examples of small and large sized states that had already broken their promises and legal commitments not to develop their own nuclear weapons. Those states nuclear weapons programme with varying degrees of reaction from the official nuclear powers of the United States, the Soviet Union, Britain, China, and France. Countries such as Israel, India, and Pakistan have gone on to successfully acquire their own nuclear weapons with little or no action been taken against them to make them give up those devices. The North Korean regime understood that it c ould develop nuclear weapons with the possiblity that the United Nations and the leading powers would not be able to take any effective action to take those weapons off North Korea (Fukuyama, 2006 p. 80). Chapter One North Korean defence and foreign policy misrepresented or a threat to peace and security? Since the foundation of North Korea as a separate nation state its defence and foreign policies have been geared towards the re-unification of Korea on Pyongyang’s terms, rather than South Korea’s terms (Rayner Stanley, 2006, p.234). As far as the North Korean regime of Kim Il Sung was concerned the re-unification of Korea was not an issue that should concern any other countries apart from North and South Korea themselves. It was the context of the Cold War that complicated the strategic, military and diplomatic situation concerning the dispute between North and South Korea about which country should over power the other to dominate a re-unified Korean state. In military terms North Korea is the strongest, in economic terms South Korea is the strongest (Tipton, 1998, 434). On the one hand the assistance of China and the Soviet Union was useful for the economic development of North Korea and also as a means of building up the country’s military power. On the othe r hand the Cold War meant that the United States was more alert about the need to protect the countries in the North East Asia region that were opposed to communism, like Japan, South Korea and South Vietnam (Gaddis, 2005, p.60). The Cold War meant that the United States was unwilling to allow any more parts of North East Asia to fall under communist rule. After all the presence of United States forces in Japan had allowed the United Nations forces to resist Kim Il Sung’s invasion of South Korea. North Vietnam would eventually overcome South Vietnam despite the best efforts of the United States, yet the terrain of Vietnam was different from that of Korea and the North Vietnamese had better military tactics than the North Koreans (Hobsbawm, 1994, p.228). Whilst the Cold War continued, North Korea was not seen as the main threat to peace and security in the North East Asia region, superpower rivalry meant that the Soviet Union and the United States mistrusted each other more th an they mistrusted any other state. China would also emerge as a major power within the region, one that eventually took independent policy decisions from those of the Soviet Union. The United States government however, remains wary of North Korea’s intentions towards the rest of the North East Asia region (Gaddis, 2005, p.61). The peace and security of the North East Asia region altered during the 1960s, not as a result of changes in the Cold War, but as a result of alterations in the relationship between North Korea, China, and the Soviet Union. The regime of Kim Il Sung had not wished for North Korea to be reliant upon either China or the Soviet Union as soon as the country had recovered from the Korean War and had become economically self sufficient. By the mid 1960s the North Korean regime believed that it become self-sufficient and no longer such high levels of aid from China or the Soviet Union. Kim Il Sung wanted to maintain military links with China and the Soviet Union, yet did not wish for North Korea to be a mere client state of Beijing or Moscow. North Korea was not going to be like the majority of communist states in Central and Eastern Europe were in relation to the Soviet Union. Although of course the North Koreans did not have to worry about invasion by the Soviet Union if it took much of a n independent from Soviet policy (Castleden, 2005, p.301). North Korea’s military power was originally reliant upon Chinese and Soviet built equipment and the regime could not afford weapons from any other countries outside of the communist bloc (Gaddis, 2005, p.61). Under Kim Il Sung’s leadership North Korea could not get away from its close economic links with the Soviet Union until the latter’s collapse in 1991, which in turn would have very detrimental affects upon North Korea (Watson, 1997, p.246). The strong relationship between China and the Soviet Union declined dramatically towards the end of the 1960s resulting in border clashes between the two states. The break down in the relationship between China and the Soviet Union meant North Korea’s most powerful allies would spend more time arguing with each other than the United States. Pyongyang did not back either state publicly although Kim Il Sung regarded the Soviet Union as a more reliable ally, and unlike Beijing, Moscow did not occasionally make insulting comments about the North Korean leader (Watson, 1997, p.240). Whilst the North Korean economy seemed to enjoy impressive growth rates from the 1950s through to the 1970s, the country arguably did not have or develop the infrastructure or indeed have the resources to become a serious threat to peace and security in the North East Asia region. North Korean economic policy was heavily influenced by the planned economies of China and the Soviet Union, and was as unsuccessful in North Korea as they had been in China and the Soviet Union (Heywood, 2003 p. 152). Kim Il Sung’s regime collectivised agriculture and began the process of large-scale industrialisation. The collectivisation of agriculture commenced in 1946 when estates with Japanese owners were confiscated in the north under Soviet guidance (Tipton, 1998,p.304). Collectivisation and the modernisation of agriculture increased the life expectancy of the North Korean population. Industrialisation at least during the 1950s and 1960s appeared to be impressive. However much of that economic growth was due to the revenues raised from the export of natural resources to the Soviet Union and the receipt of aid from the Soviet Union (Watson, 1997, p.246) Economic growth could have been stronger if it had not been hampered by Kim Il Sung’s decision to make expenditure on the military as high as possible, and his government’s main priority. The military build up was meant to unnerve the South Korean government. In terms of total expenditure South Korea spent more on its military expenditure than North Korea. This was mainly due to North Korea being regarded as an ever-present threat to South Korean security. There were differences as to how the two countries military expenditure was regarded in the North East Asia region and beyond. South Korea’s military expenditure was seen as being justified as it would deter North Korea. On the other hand, North Korea’s military spending was viewed as being unjustified, aggressive and a sign of Kim Il Sung’s megalomania, policies that his son, Kim Jong Il has continued (Gaddis, 2005, p.61). North Korea had one major disadvantage if its regime wished to outspend South Korea in terms of their defence budgets, as they were poorer. Whilst North Korea found it difficult to find foreign investors, South Korea was able to attract very high volumes of investment, especially from the United States and Japan. South Korea’s increasing levels of wealth meant it could easily match North Korea’s military build up, without reducing the living standards of its population, or driving its government towards insolvency (Tipton, 1998, p.304). In terms of any future conventional war between North and South Korea, South Korea held key advantages. Firstly, the South Korean population was twice the size of its neighbour to the north, potentially allowing for its armed forces to have twice the number of personnel in war- time conditions. In 1985, South Korea was estimated to have a population of 41.2 million compared to North Korea’s population of 20.1 million people (Watso n, 1997, p.262). South Korea was economically more productive and therefore wealthier than North Korea, with the latter’s seemingly impressive growth rates beginning to slow down by the start of the 1980s. An example of the growing disparity between the countries was the per capita income, whilst it was $790 for North Korea in 1982, it was $1,840 for South Korea in 1983. In economic terms, North Korea could not realistically afford its high levels of military expenditure, although Kim Il Sung’s regime was determined to carry on with spending money it believed kept the regime in power and made it a continuing danger to its capitalist neighbours (Watson, 1997, p.262). In the following decade North Korea was widely regarded as bring an increased threat to the peace and security of the North East Asia region, despite the country’s economy going in to a steep decline. Whilst the North Korean regime refused to scale down its military expenditure its agricultural sector, especially suffered an alarming drop in productivity that contributed to an estimated two million North Koreans dying of starvation during the 1990s. Despite famine and economic decline the North Korean regime still used scarce resources to develop its nuclear weapons programme. North Korea barely increased its economic productivity during the 1990s and was by then considerably poorer than South Korea. To give a stark contrast, South Korean per capita gross domestic product (GDP) reached an impressive $13, 700, whilst North Korean GDP languished at $900. It was a paradoxical situation in which, although the North Korean regime could increasingly threaten its neighbours with miss iles and nuclear weapons, yet it would eventually need emergency aid from those countries to prevent more of its own population starving to death (Pipes, 2001, p.152). On paper at least, North Korea has impressive conventional military strength with around 3,500 tanks and 2,500 armoured personnel carriers, whilst the army had 950,000 troops. The North Korean air force has 590 combat aircraft, whilst the navy’s 88 submarines could pose a serious threat to shipping in the North East Asia region in the event of a future war. However it is the potential development and possible of nuclear weapons that causes a greater concern than North Korea’s conventional arsenal (Whitaker’s 2007, pp.893-94). South Korea has smaller armed forces yet still has a standing army 560,000 strong and 2,330 main battle tanks. South Korea would no doubt have to increase those numbers if 94, 450 Americans were not based in South Korea (Whitaker’s 2007 p. 895). However, it was not just North Korea’s strength in terms of conventional weapons that means it is regarded as being a threat to peace and security in the North East Asia region. The United States government has long suspected that North Korea has played a part in sponsoring and supporting terrorism within the North East Asia region and indeed further afield. The suspicions of the United States have been founded upon the anti-American rhetoric that the North Korean regime its content to produce from time to time (Gaddis, 2005, p.261). South Korea had previously accused North Korea of trying to undermine internal stability by supporting dissident South Korean groups and calling for the re-unification of Korea (Tipton, 1998, p.304). North Korea was one of the countries that the administration of Ronald Reagan denounced as being terrorist states back in 1985. The Reagan administration viewed North Korea as being a risk to international peace and security within and beyond the Nort h East Asia region (Ward, 2003, p.349). North Korea did not have any moral or political hang ups about selling weapons such as assault rifles to other countries that found it hard to acquire weapons due to arms embargo’s or sanctions. For instance, North Korea sold surplus Soviet manufactured assault rifles to Iran during the early years of the Iran-Iraq War. Such arms sales may have contributed to the United States accusing North Korea of being a terrorist state. The North Koreans could have countered that these claims were hypocrisy on the part of the American government that sold a much greater volume of weapons to any state or organisation that was anti-Communist, or if it suited the United States interests to do so. Hypocrisy that was demonstrated by the Iran –Contra Affair in which the money from arms sales to Iran was used to fund the Contra forces in Nicaragua (Fisk, 2006, p.278). North Korea also supplied ballistic missiles to the Iranians and even sent engine ers to Iran to ensure those missiles successfully reached Iraqi targets, especially Baghdad. The willingness of the North Koreans to sell missiles to the highest bidders certainly increased concerns about Pyongyang posing a threat to peace and security (Fisk, 2006, p.281). Surveillance and interceptions of cargo ships have provided evidence that North Korea will sell weapons to terrorist organisations as well as any state that can afford them. For instance, the Spanish navy intercepted a North Korean merchant ship that was officially taking cement to South Yemen. Once aboard that ship the Spanish found ballistic missiles that could have been used by the terrorist group that had brought those missiles. The Middle East is a volatile region at the best of times, so the ability of North Korea to supply ballistic missiles to governments and terrorists groups in that region is another concern for the United States and other Western countries (Davies, 2003 p. 238). It was during the early 1990s that the prospect of North Korea carrying out a successful nuclear weapons programme became the cause of major international concern. In the United States, the administration of President Bill Clinton was determined to persuade the North Korean regime to halt that nuclear weapons programme peacefully by preference, or by force if necessary (Clinton, 2004 p. 561). Aside from the United States, South Korea, China, Russia, and Japan were, and still are the countries that are most anxious to prevent North Korea acquiring and keeping nuclear weapons. Britain and France have also been involved in international efforts to prevent North Korea acquiring nuclear weapons as members of the United Nations Security Council, and as signatories of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (Evans Newnham, 1998 p. 381). South Korea and Japan are particularly anxious and insecure about North Korea’s attempts to produce nuclear weapons because they would be the most obvi ous targets if North Korea ever decided to use nuclear weapons. That anxiety is increased because the South Koreans and the Japanese are well aware that the North Koreans have the technical capacity to fit nuclear warheads to its force of ballistic missiles that can reach all the major cities in South Korea and Japan. China is also anxious that the nuclear weapons programme of North Korea does not provoke a military confrontation between North Korea and the United States that would bring widespread destruction and shatter the peace and stability of the North East Asia region. China remains keen to continue its impressive economic growth rates and also hopes to maintain political stability in the region, a stability that North Korea has a strong propensity to disrupt. China is therefore willing to act as a go between to prevent conflict arising between the United States and North Korea that would be very damaging to the North East Asia region as a whole (Cheek, 2006 p. 136). That als o means that China is willing to back the efforts of the United States, South Korea, and Japan to reduce the North Korean threat to peace and security (The Guardian, February 14 2007). Russia, as the main successor state to the Soviet Union, on the other hand has attempted to maintain strong economic, military, and economic links with North Korea. Those links leave Kim Jong Il hoping North Korea has more leeway in its disputes with the United States and the United Nations over its plans to acquire nuclear weapons. Whilst Russia is caught between promoting its economic links with North Korea without harming its relationship with the United States that improved with the latter’s war on terror in the wake of the 9/11 attacks, it would normally put its relationship with the United States first. The Russians and North Koreans remain keen upon maintaining a strong relationship between each other, although that is based on pragmatism rather than a common ideological outlook. Whilst the Russian government believes that like the Chinese government it could help resolve the international disputes that currently mean that North Korea is regarded as been a threat to pea ce and security in North East Asia region (Meir, 2004 p. 417). North Korea’s defence and foreign policy was seen and remains seen as a serious and increasing threat to the peace and security of the North East Asia region because of the nature of the Pyongyang regime itself. That is due to Kim Il Sung and his son and successor Kim Jong Il concentrating upon the maintaining of their personal hold on power. That hold on power is through a strong military with undoubted loyalty to the national leader, and via a system of forced labour and prison camps that detain political dissidents or opponents of the regime. The regime’s internal position is also protected and promoted through a cult of personality for Kim Il Sung and now Kim Jong Il that rivals other cults of personalities witnessed in other communist regimes. It most closely resembles the cults of personality experienced in the Stalinist era of the Soviet Union, or China under Chairman Mao Zedong, especially during the tumultuous period of the Cultural Revolution (Castleden, 2005 p. 301). The North Korean regime during Kim Il Sung’s lifetime not only managed to copy Chinese and Soviet propaganda techniques; the North Koreans also managed to emulate their purges. Such pronounced levels of dictatorship have always managed to make the United States suspicious of North Korean intentions. The South Koreans and the Japanese tend to reinforce American concerns over the de-stabilising effects of North Korean defence and foreign policies. The South Koreans and the Japanese therefore have fears for their safety as without an American military presence in the North East Asia region they would not be
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