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‘The Going’ is a sonnet grieving the passing and loss of Hardy’s spouse Emma. The topics of anguish, love and lament are...
Monday, December 9, 2019
Human Water Security and River Biodiversity †MyAssignmenthelp.com
Question: Discuss about the Human Water Security and River Biodiversity. Answer: Introduction Human resource management is a branch that deals with the interests of the workers, and the managers in an organization. It ensures that all the rules and regulations are followed to the latter by everybody in the organization. The branch also ensures that all the workers are qualified, and no worker is looked down upon, in any branch of an organization. The human resource management also ensures that the required effort is applied to make their dream come to pass. In the world of today, many organizations have failed to meet their sat goal, and thus have ended up failing in their activities. This is the reason behind their failure. First, they do not manage their workers properly. In this field, there should be a very serious law that governs the workers. Since the workers are the back born of an organization, a certain point of weaknesses related to them may adversely affect the whole organization. Workers are therefore supposed to be given due respect, and managed properly wheneve r possible. Therefore, when talking of diversity, culture and any other form of problem or weakness, this means that the managerial branch has a lot of responsibilities to carry out. They are responsible for delayed promotions in an organization, as well as delayed recruitments of new employees in the organization. In addition, the managerial team is also responsible for complains concerning failed developments of an organization. Therefore, the workers are supposed to work hand in hand with the managerial branch to ensure that all is well with the company or organization, for them to achieve their set goal. The culture of an organization simply refers to the trend of activities which take place in the organization (Harzing A. Pinningtion, 2015). An example of a culture in business is the recruitment of new managers, which means that the old managers must retire after a certain period of time. Another example of an organizational culture is that of lying off workers with a history of misbehavior. Other examples include the recruiting of young workers, for training, and also celebrating the achievement of the organization after a certain period of time. These are some of the few examples of culture in an organization. In no name company, workers have created a difficult environment for the potential customers (Avey, Luthans, Jensen, 2009). They have a bad communication mode, thus making it difficult to have an effective communication with the managers. Being an assembly company, no name is a company that has been known to give quality assembling as well as good services to customers. Ho wever, the customers are now complaining of low quality assembling parts for aircrafts. Since quality is the most character that defines a business, low quality means that no name will lose a good name thus tarnishing its good name. In a company where communication is a problem, things will definitely go wrong. People need to communicate and understand each other, for effective results. However, when there is a problem in communication, respect will be absent, and a worker will do according to their will. It is therefore important to ensure that communication is effective in a company. Good communication has the following significance: Effective communication means that the entire employees and employers in a company are in good terms (Gagn, 2009). This makes it possible or information to be passed from one person to another. In terms of saving time, good communication means that there is no time for arguments or idleness. Therefore, time will be well utilized in increasing productivity. The end result of good communication in an organization understands (Subramony, 2009). When people communicate in a positive manner, they understand one another, and therefore make it easy to pass information. Therefore, important and urgent issues will be solved effectively in the company, thus making success the trend in that company Good communication solves problems whenever the issues arise (Gruman, Saks, 2011). For example, no name company could have solved the issue of low quality parts of aircrafts before the matter got out of hand. However, they are now facing the challenge of controlling the rumor, since the matter has got out of hand. They could have made it and manage o secure the name of the company before it became too late. If they could have been in good terms as members of the same company, they could have solved the matter before it became too late. At no name, there diversity is like a plague. It is spreading fast and the workers have started to realize that things are going wrong. Though they respect the rule that deals with diversity, to them they found this habits taking place and are therefore generational inheritance. However, the head quarters point is being faced by the challenge of senior employees not wanting to work with new recruits, and employees from different generations. They have a feeling that these diverse generation will interfere with the system and operations of the company, which have existed over a period of time. People with disabilities are not being recruited in companies, more so in china. The managers are said to have been ignoring application lettered from people with disabilities. In spite of these disabled people having all the qualifications needed for the jobs, they have been discriminated against just because of their situation. The manager, OMeara feels unstable and worried since the rejected and disabled candidates may choose to take action against the company. Human diversity causes differences in companies. Employees feel different whenever this kind of diversity occurs. Diversity such as discrimination against race, gender and age are the main causes of problems in this word. In organizations, people need to have love for one another for a country to move on from the point of view; turning down the request of a person because of disability issue is unfair, and inhuman in a way. These disabled people are also human beings and have families. In addition, they also need to take care f their daily needs, and that is why they went to school to improve their skills. These people are innocent, and should be treated fairly, and considered for jobs whenever possible. In todays world, the disabled have found it difficult to cope with situations since everybody thinks that they cannot make it in life. Hover, it is well said that disability is not inability, since these disabled people have a talent, and have even proved to be better, in terms of jo b performance, compared to the other workers (Blume, Ford, Baldwin Huang, 2010). They have shown their determination to give the best in their work areas, for they need to prove their employers and the rest of the people who ignored them that they are wrong. People need to have a positive perception towards their opponents, and love them, as well as respect them despite their situation and condition. Discrimination as a result of race leads to limited skill. When workers from different races come together, they bring different thoughts and resolutions which simply solve issues in that particular company. According to research, companies with employees from diverse origins and races are the most improving companies (Ployhart Moliterno, 2011). They have brought together different abilities and from different teachers. They teach one another different ways of handling issues, the way they do them back in their homes. This makes a single task easy to solve, but through different ways. Employees from different races respect one another, and are always focused. They go to work to do what they must do there, and are therefore focused to achieve their set goals. Discriminating against workers due to gender limits the companys chances to taste the ability of the opposite gender (Pynes, 2008). What men can do, women can also do, in the world of today. Therefore, people only need to have skill, and practice what they know in the necessary field. Everybody is therefore fit for any job opportunity provided that they have the required qualifications. They are eligible for employment in any office which requires people with the skills they have. International performance management At no name aircraft, the international performance management is not maintained at all. There are frequent complains that the company orders a certain country like china to produce a certain amount of parts. The company however comes to realize later, that same amount aircraft parts were produced in Singapore (Hill, 2008). This lowers the performance of a company, since the business is not being operated from a similar point. It therefore means that some profit is being shared out of the business. Development is triggered by training. Trained workforce cannot be compared to untrained workforce. And therefore no name aircraft company needs to train their workers. A certain female worker at no name aircraft company once said that she had to take too long before knowing to attend to her duties (Vrsmarty McIntyre et al, 2010). There were no training sessions in the country she was sent, and workers had to get to work without the knowhow. This is a clear indication that there is no good governance in no name aircraft company. Division of labor means that duties are divided amongst certain groups or individuals, to increase output. However, the division has many challenges which range from monotony, poor performance and less production. All these challenges are brought about by workers being placed in branches or being allocated duties they are not used to. They therefore get bored in doing a similar job all day long, without any change. Work requires interest, and choice is made by the workers themselves. Workers need to be trained before being allocated duties. When workers are allocated duties without the knowhow, they face challenges and may even opt to do the work for the sake of completion, not because they are willing to do it (Boxall, Macky, 2009). These duties belong to the management branch, and must be keen on it since it contributes a lot to either the positive or negative part of the company or organization At no name aircraft company, there is division of labor since they are working with people from china and Singapore. This means that there must be good relationship between the three, to improve the performance of the company (McCauley, 2012). Performance is measured by the yield obtained from the output of a companys work. There should be good communication between the three countries to make sure that they produce what is required, and no extra products in or outs of the main company in Australia. Research has shown that the world has become the ha5rdest place to accommodate the wishes of human beings. In the employment sector, employment has become an inheritance and the workers in most of the organizations are managed and operated by generations (Schermerhorn, Davidson, Poole, Woods McBarron, 2014). Managers employ their relatives and close friends, and most of these people are not fit for the jobs they acquire (Chew Chan, 2008). If by any chance another person secures a job in such companies, it is a mistake or because there is no one else who can occupy that post. The visitor does not even have peace in the company since he or she is the only odd one in the company. Though the government and the employment sector have tried to solve these problems, they have also face the challenges of coordinating people who have the ability to think and come up with resolutions. The employment sector has therefore opted to stay away from the people, and let them operate as they wish (K ehoe Wright, 2013). However, the law strongly opposes discrimination against workers; this has become a chorus which everybody sings in the world. All the efforts to stop these social evils from talking place have born no fruits. However the following resolutions can help to control diversity. Love for one another Love erases all forms of evils, and bonds people. When employees and employers love another, love will not allow them to see the disability of a person. It will instead show them that the people with disability are there because they too have needs to take care of (Collings Mellahi, 2009). These people well therefore respect each other and help the interns to cope with the new environment. When love rules an organization, there is nothing like inheritance in leadership or generational employment. The person in the office will be a friend to the opponent, and that will work towards the positive (Lengnick-Hall, Andrade Drake, 2009). Lack of love leads a company to darkness, and the end result of that company is continuous losses and closure. It is not possible for a company with people from different races or origins to incur difficulties. A tough law should be created. This law will be aimed towards the law ignorant who know all the rules and regulations of a company but are not willing to do as required. This law will include a tough punishment and a heavy fine, which will discourage other people with the same intention from becoming victims (Chen Huang, 2009). The law must be implemented immediately, since the world has completely changed. For example, in the no name company, the employers know that there is a certain rule that strongly stands against all forms of diversity ranging from race, gender, ethnicity, origin and sex. However, they are in the front line, practicing all these social evils without hesitation, or respect for the rule. The decisions have however led them to the negative side, and are now reaping what they sowed. Recommendations It is not the high time to work alone. Everybody in the society is needy in one way or the other, and success will never come in a silver platter. There must be hard work which leads to success, if worked towards the positive. People should therefore assume that everybody around them is a brother or a sister, and requires to be treated fairly. Work has to be shared so as to improve performance. There is no way that a manager can manage the machines in the office without operating them. And since he cannot operate them all at once, he needs to have employees who will assist him it operating them. May be he does not even have the knowledge of operating the machines, but the workers will do so since that is what they are trained to do (Jiang, Lepak, Hu, Baer, 2012). This means that every worker has a part to play in the office, despite their condition. On the side of the workers, they cannot practice their skills in their house, but they instead have to practice what they know in an of fice, or in the necessary areas. They also need to practice their knowledge in a way that earns them a living, since they need to earn a living. Conclusion Todays world has changed, as compared to the past. Though social evils were not as famous as they are today, there were still other challenges which where faced during those times. However, today, in this world of technology, social evils have become difficult to control, and also part and parcel of human beings. However, our fore fathers were still colonized by greedy power states, who misused them. This was fair in a way that after the colonizers achieved their set goal; they left and went back to their states. It is not the high time to stay divided, because we will never achieve what we need in life. Employees and employers should live as brothers and sisters, and try to avoid diversity whenever possible. Everybody in the society has the senses, and no one feels goods when being hurt by an action, a word, or a close friend. We are all human beings and everybody will need the assistance of the other someday. 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